My phone chimed beside us, causing our necks to snap in its direction. I tensed upon recognition of the caller on the other end. Sensing my hesitation, Bello brushed his left hand up and down my arm to ease my anxiety.
“Answer,” he suggested.
“I can’t,” I returned, head bowed in shame as a sigh fell from my lips.
Melwas displayed on the screen with a picture of both Melonie and I posed alike in her basement. I remembered the day like it was yesterday. We’d opted for a movie after an entire meltdown crisis we both suffered simultaneously. The beet red vessel in my chest ached as the phone continued ringing, not settling until it silenced. Not only did my actions cause me physical pain but the sadness in Bello’s eyes as he turned and headed toward his cell, which was now ringing, caused it too.
“What’s up, Mel?” He confirmed my suspicions. My best friend had ended the call to me and dialed her uncle’s line immediately. But, unlike me, he had the audacity to answer. I couldn’t, so I didn’t. Lowering my head, I stared at the blank screen of my cell wondering if I should let it go or call her back right away.
The sound of light pecks at the door brought me back to the moment. The masseuses were announcing their arrival. A faint smile polished my lips as I greeted them with a nod, sure to stay silent. Bello did the same, then glared in my direction. Silently, he questioned my stance, needing to know if I was okay but I wasn’t sure that I was even.
“Mel, let me call you back. I’m in the middle of something right now. Give me about an hour and my ears are all yours.”
What Bello said, he meant. I wanted to be as far away from the conversation as possible, but our massage lasted that long. More than likely, I would be right beside him and the thought made me want to claw my ears out.
“Alright. I love you. One hour, give or take a few minutes,” he ended the call with.
“Are you ready?” The masseuse asked me.
“Please, lay down. I cover your back for you,” she insisted.
“Thank you.”
Obeying her orders, I laid flat on my stomach and placed my head into the hole so that breathing wouldn’t be an issue. The second her warm hands touched my skin, my body released its own dose of melatonin and I began to drift into an unwarranted sleep.
“Baby,”faintly, I heard Bello’s baritone. “Baby.”
The second time was louder, clearer and he sounded so much closer. My eyes popped open at the realization that I’d fallen asleep. I laid flat on my back, not recalling turning over or the massage ending. However, when I opened my eyes, the only people in the room were Bello and I. The women were long gone.
“Hi,” I smiled, lifting my head to meet Bello’s lips.
After indulging, he pulled the cover from my body and assisted me from the bed. The warmth of the room was appreciated, but it didn’t stop my nipples from hardening on Bello’s chest. Noticing my arousal, his eyes hooded and his head lowered until his lips touched my right nipple.
“How are you feeling,” he mumbled in the process.
“I- I’m… I’m feeling… uhhhhh,” his tongue circled my nipple as his hand found a home between my thighs.
“Turn around,” Bello directed, pulling back and giving me space that I didn’t require.
“Baby, we can’t. Not here, right?” Weakly, I protested.
“Do you want this dick, Brisk?” He asked, pushing my head toward the table I’d just gotten up from, causing my back to arch and ass to form the perfect curve.
“Yeeeeees,” I admitted as I felt the spit from his mouth coat my lady parts.
Spuuuuh!The otherwise gross fluid lubricated my center.
“Then, shut the fuck up and take iiiiiit,” Bello fought to get out the final word as he slid into me.
This time, my vagina received him well. The soreness of the previous night’s activities subsided instantly and was replaced with the mounting pleasure I felt like an indication of my peak. He fit perfectly inside of me as if he were made just for these moments.
“Ohhhhhh, God,” I stirred from beneath, causing Bello to reach forward and cover my mouth with his large hand.