Page 21 of Jagged Edges

“Why?” I pouted.

“Because I have plans for you… for us. That can’t happen if we stand here holding one another,” he chuckled.

“What’s so wrong with this?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing, but… I made plans,” he stressed.

“Okay,” I unwillingly climbed down him like a tree and started for the bathroom to clean up the mess he’d made of me.

“Come ‘er,” he pleaded, sounding as pathetic as I looked with my head hung.

He caught me by three fingers, our skin rejoicing after joining again. I walked backward as he led me back to the couch wherehe took a seat again. He proceeded to widen his legs until the space between them was large enough for me to fit. Then, he pulled me close again, staring up at me with remorseful eyes.

“What’s with the long face?” He asked.

“Nothing. It’s just that now that you’re here, I don’t think I want to go anywhere,” I revealed.

“We can’t stay here,” he stated as a matter of fact.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not a man of great self-control, and being here with you will make me lose every bit of that shit. So, before I take it there… take you there, I’d rather take you out so that you can enjoy the rest of your birthday. Besides, I want to celebrate with you. I kind of feel left out.”

His choice of words piqued my interest as well as solidified our plans for the night. We were indeed going out. It didn’t matter where as long as it wasn’t here. Ending my birthday with Bello sounded like a dream and I was ready to make it reality. Getting to know him was high on my priority list. Plus, I didn’t want him feeling left out, because he wasn’t.

“You don’t have to. I’ve thought about you every day since I met you. Even when I tried not to.”

“Why would you do something like that?”

“Because, when I saw you that night at Melonie’s you didn’t seem interested.”

“We’ve established the fact that I am, so let’s not even discuss that night anymore. I was simply waiting for this day. Now that it’s here nothing else matters.” He spoke as his hands brushed my thighs up and down. His attempt to calm me was cute, but stirring up all types of trouble between my legs.

“I need to get dressed,” I blurted out as I stepped off.

“Look in bag number one. Everything you need for tonight is inside.”

“Where are we going? It’s after ten.”

“I know a place that will stay open as long as I want it to,” he shrugged.


Just as he’d mentioned,everything I needed for dinner was inside of the first bag in the closet. A silk black dress that dipped in the front and thin straps matched the black bag and shoes that both had YSL logos. The shoe’s heel was actually made from the logo, which was extremely sexy in my opinion. Once I was completely dressed and my hair was presentable, I stepped out of the bedroom to find Bello.

It didn’t take very long. He was resting in the same spot with another drink in his hand as he watched the players run across the screen in an attempt to score a touchdown. As I entered, he hurriedly powered off the television, giving me his undivided attention. A gesture that I was smitten with. At this moment, nothing else mattered but me.

“Sooooo…” I started, waiting for the silence to end and his response to begin.

“Don’t mind me, love. I’m just searching for words worthy of your beauty and keep coming up short,” he shook his head as he stood to his feet. “I’m going to touch you, Brisk,” he warned.

“Bello, why must you announce your moves with me?” I wondered, “I’m not against it, whatever it is you want to do to me.”

“You just seem so… fragile. I want to make sure that I’m clear and so are my moves. But, now that I have your permission, I have no plans of announcing shit anymore.”

“Good,” I smiled.

And, so he touched me. Gently, Bello caressed my cheek with the back of his hand before running it down my chin and then wrapping it around my neck. He hovered over me, breathing labored as he stared down at me. My second set of lips were drenched.