Page 31 of Jagged Edges

Lifting her head, Brisk finally gave me her eyes. Followed with a reassuring smile, she placed a hand to her chest, “It beats differently when I’m with you.”

“I feel you.” I patted my own.

“On another note… we seem nothing alike.”

“Don’t do that, love. Ever. Ever in life.”

“Do what?” Brisk’s head turned in my direction when she asked.

“Compare yourself to anyone. You’re above that.”

“I’m just saying,” she reasoned.

“Just don’t, Brisk. You’re incomparable.”

Silence fell amongst us again. For once, I was okay with that. I needed Brisk to settle in her thoughts and allow my words tomarinate. The last thing I needed or wanted was her falling into the comparison trap. She deserved better.

I creptout of the loft. Brisk was resting peacefully underneath my sheets, making my whole fucking heart smile. I’d agreed to pizza and a movie, but by the time the movie started and she’d had two slices of pizza, she wasn’t any good. While curled up beside me, exhaustion wore her down.

The locusts of the night greeted me at the door with their howling in the crisp morning air. It was going on two when I finally reared the corner of the private garage that Brisk had been instructed to park in upon arrival. Marcus had mentioned repairs on her van during brunch a few weeks back, but it had stuck with me since. With Brisk’s van being her only source of transportation, I wanted it to be in great condition.

If it was left up to me, she’d be in something a bit more current and without as much room. She was only one person and simply didn’t need all the space. But, I’d let her make the decision to upgrade on her own. I wasn’t in the business of forcing my lifestyle or desires onto her - or any woman for the matter. When she was ready, I’d be more than willing to put her in something nice.

The vintage van, covered in an off-white paint with trimming and logos in a sandy nude, was parked next to my Slingshot. I kept it tucked away in the garage in case of rain or high winds. The last thing I wanted was for it to be damaged in my absence, or at all even. The Maybach was in the overage garage that was dedicated to our residence with more than two vehicles.

Her key ring dangled from my hand with far too many trinkets, fuzz balls, and shiny shit hanging from them. However,I noticed there was only one actual key. It belonged to the van. I unlocked the door and hopped inside to get it started. My homie owned a body shop and knew that I’d be dropping it off for him to have a look at later this morning. The plan was to have the van fixed and returned to the space before she noticed it was gone.



The engine stalled, refusing to crank. I pumped the gas a few times before trying again. Still, getting the same results. Then, again, and not even the previous sound was present. There was silence as I tried turning over the ignition.

Battery or the starter, I finalized.We can rule out or determine it’s the battery right now.

I exited the van and walked the length of it until I reached the back. The double doors opened on the first tug. Nothing…nothingin life could have prepared me for what I saw upon pulling the doors apart.


I could feelhis eyes bearing down on me as I pretended to be asleep. I’d awaken the minute he walked back into the loft and plopped down on the side of the bed as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Too afraid to open my eyes and see lipstick smearing or a change in clothes that usually came from men who snuck out of the house in the wee hours of the morning and returned before their housemate woke.

I tried ridding myself of the thoughts but the woman from last night and her involvement with Bello simply wouldn’t let up. Unable to continue my charade as he continued to stare holes right into me, I started to shift my position in bed to signal my wake up. I couldn’t last much longer.

“Hi,” I yawned, stretching my arm, not ending until at least one of my fingers made contact with his dark, lovely skin.

Those dark eyes that had been focused on me for some time now, finally left me. His soundlessness was alarming, causing my eyes to widen until they were open completely. I sat up, clenching the cover at my chest. Although I was clothed in a t-shirt of his, I felt naked the second Bello’s eyes fell on me, again.

“What’s the matter?” I followed with.

“Does Melonie know?” Words snaked from his lips, finally.

“About us? No. No she doesn’t and the fact has been haunting,” I started but was cut off.

“I’m not talking about us. Does Melonie know?”

“About what?” I was clueless.

“About the van? I’ve seen it, Brisk.” Humbled to his core I witnessed the crackling of his beautiful chords as he spoke to me.