I kept typing, “No being alone together in the same room after Ava’s bedtime. No flirtatious or suggestive comments, jokes, or innuendos, even if meant harmlessly. Refrain from wearing provocative clothing around each other.”
Had I seriously just written that? I couldn’t tell her how to dress. I was straying into absolute asshole territory. I deleted it. Then typed it out again. Then deleted it again.
It struck me how ridiculous this whole thing was. Why on earth was I employing a nanny who made me feel these things? I should just call Lily and tell her this was a stupid mistake and be done with it.
I picked up the phone and was about to make that call when there was a knock at the door.
I opened the door to her sunny smile and a faint scent of strawberries. She was wearing her hair up in a loose bun and she looked fucking fantastic. Like someone had taken a long summer day and personified it.
“Hi, boss!” She gave me a dorky wave, her copper hair shining as bright as her blue eyes. She wore a pair of tight, short, denim shorts, and a gray tank top. I swallowed as I avoided letting my gaze linger on her slender limbs.
“Welcome.” Totally relaxed. Nothing awkward about the way I said that.
She moved forward, and for an anxious moment, I worried that she was going to hug me. Instead, she held out a hand.
I shook it. Even that felt a little intense. Her skin was so fucking smooth it made my gut tighten with lust. My eyes lingered on the smattering of freckles on her nose and cheeks. I wanted to kiss them so badly. “I-Is that all you’ve got with you?” I just about managed to choke out.
She was wearing a black backpack. No other luggage.
“I’m a light traveler,” she said. “Plus, I can shoot home if there’s anything else I need. Didn’t think I’d need any fancy frocks or anything like that.”
“Good. Important to keep our clothing appropriate and sober.”
She laughed loudly. “Oh. Wait. You’re serious! Damn, all right, Granddad.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “I deserved that. Now come on in, I’ll show you to your room.”
As we headed inside and up the stairs, I made sure to lead the way, because there was no way I was going to let myself look at her butt in those shorts.
She grimaced as we entered her room. “Ah, this is . . . a bedroom. In a way.”
“Bed and window,” I said, “as requested.”
“And this lovely painting of The Lighthouse. You’re spoiling me!”
“I know it’s not The Ritz.”
“Ritz Crackers, maybe.”
“If there’s anything you need, I can try to get it for you.”
“It’s fine. I’m just teasing. I’m grateful for the opportunity. Like I said, I just needed a break from my normal life. A chance to remember what’s important.” She sighed. “Plus, I can’t wait to start working with Ava.”
“She choseMatilda, by the way. To listen to on audiobook.”
“Amazing! She has good taste.” She eyed the dilapidated sleeper sofa. “I wonder where she got it from.”
“True, my taste in nannies is questionable.”
“Let me know when you’re unpacked, then I’ll run through the contract with you.”
“Ooh, contract. Do I have to sign it in blood?”