Page 127 of One Touch

“You loved someone so hard you’ve basically banned yourself from ever having a good time ever again.”

Anger bubbled up in me like magma. “What fucking right—”

“Every time I come back to visit, you’re miserable.”

“You don’t know what my life is like, Jack, and I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”

He raised his hands in apology. “I care about you, Ethan.”

“Bullshit. You care about yourself.”

“That’s true. But I do care about you too.” He held up his forefinger and thumb, leaving a tiny gap between them. “A little bit. And I want to see you happy.”


Suddenly, Jack was distracted. “Say, you happen to know if she’s single?”

Somehow, I knew, even before I looked, that he was talking about Lily.

I looked.

It was Lily.

“Don’t even think about it.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Damn, you are having a good time. Fuck!”

“Drop it.”

“How long have you been screwing her?”

“I’m not in a relationship with her.”

“I didn’t say that. I said screwing.”

“It’s . . . complicated.”

“No, it’s not.”

I shook my head. “Yes, it is.”

“No, it’s not. You like her? Screw her. Youreallylike her? Date her. You go off her? Break the hell up, as fast as you fucking can.”

If only I could see the world like my brother.

“I can’t have this conversation right now," I said. "Have some coffee. You look like you need it.”

Jack rolled his eyes. "It's my one night off, man. Flying back out again tomorrow. Let me be."

"Whatever, dude." I replied. I just didn't have the energy for Jack right now.

I headed for the marquee exit but stopped when I felt a gentle hand on my arm. I turned to see Lily, her sapphire eyes sparkling behind her thick-rimmed glasses.

“Great speech,” she said, her voice low and urgent.

“Thank you.”

“Ava’s been having an awesome day.”