Page 9 of One Touch

“Sadly, I’m not available.”

I laughed. “Shame.”

My mind reeled, trying to process it all. This was everything I’d been working toward since Marie died. A chance to make a real difference, to keep other families from suffering like we had.

“So,” Hawkins said, “does this all sound in order to you?”

An idea popped into my head. I’d chatted to Susie about helping out with childcare in the past. Maybe she could step in for a while. Only problem was that she’d have to stay at my place overnight in case I got called out. I hoped she’d be all right with it.

“I’m ready. Thank you for the opportunity.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” he chuckled. “Wait ‘til you see the training.”

When I finished the call, I stood there for a second, still holding the phone, letting the news sink in. It felt as though the universe was finally giving me a chance to put the guilt and sadness behind me.

“Are you gonna be a firefighter, Daddy?” Ava asked, setting down her pencil.

“Seems like it.”

“Like, with a uniform and everything?”

I chuckled, ruffling her hair. “Yep, the whole shebang. It’s going to be a lot of work, especially over the next couple of months. I’ll be training during the day and sometimes at night, too.”

Ava’s excitement dimmed. “But what about me? Who’s going to take care of me while you’re off being a hero?”

“I’m going to ask Gramma Susie to live with us while my training is going on. Maybe Grandpa, too.”


Fun wasn’t the word I’d use for it. I hadn’t lived with Dad for a long time and didn’t relish the thought of it. He and I got on fine, but we weren’t exactly close. Cole was his favorite, mainly because they ran a building company together.

Before I could respond, the sound of a car pulling up outside caught our attention. I glanced at the clock, realizing it was already time for Ava’s jujitsu lesson.

“That must be Susie,” I said, standing up and brushing off my jeans. “Why don’t you go grab your gear while I talk to her about the nanny situation?”


“The Jujitsu World Championships?” I repeated, my stomach sinking.

Susie’s eyes sparkled. “In Brazil! Paddy and I are going to do a mini tour of South America. Maybe Costa Rica, maybe Argentina! Take a good few weeks.”

I raised an eyebrow. “How did you get Dad to agree to spend any money?”

She laughed. “I had to use a chokehold. Once you cut off all the oxygen to someone’s brain, you’d be surprised what they agree to.”

I chuckled flatly. “I see. I was hoping you could watch Ava while I do my firefighter training. Been waiting two years for this opportunity.”

“Oh, Ethan. I’m sorry, I thought you knew.” Susie squeezed my arm. “Why don’t you hire a nanny?”

I glanced over my shoulder, lowering my voice. “I can’t risk it, Suze. We need stability.”

Susie nodded. “Is there someone you know who could do it? Someone Ava trusts?”

“Ida’s too busy with the diner,” I said with a sigh. “Elara has the bakery. Plus, she’s pregnant and planning a wedding.” I rubbed my forehead, feeling the tension building. Maybe this wasn’t the right time. Maybe I’d have to wait until Ava was old enough to leave home.

Susie reached out to squeeze my arm. “I know how important this is for you, Ethan. I wish I could help. You know, in jujitsu, we learn to adapt to new situations. Sometimes, the grip you want isn’t available, so you find a new one.”

“Like when you taught me the spider guard, Gramma?” Ava chimed in, appearing beside us.