I bet I could knock it all out in a few days. Maybe sooner if I recruit the guys to help me…
“They were going to surprise her with the nursery. That’s why he had it all sent here,” Jillian says softly, leaning her cheek against the doorway, eyes sparkling as she takes in the full room.
“She doesn’t know about any of this?” I ask, taking it all in with her before she shuts the door and leans against it.
“Not a clue. I knew they wanted to surprise her with it all finished, but I didn’t realize they’d get so much stuff. I’d like to keep it a surprise, do what they had always planned, but I’m not sure if I can put all of this together by myself.”
She sighs and starts walking back down the hallway towards the open bar area. I find her behind the bar pouring herself a drink when I enter, so I motion for her to pour me one as well.
I lean my arms against the bar and stare down at the top as I consider whether to offer my help.
Is that weird? To offer to help build the surprise nursery for a pregnant omega? The nursery her dead alphas were supposed to build?
This is so far out of my depth, and I’m unsure how to navigate the waters around here. I’m drawn to the omega, and it makes me feel like the biggest dick in the world. She just lost all her bonds for fuck’s sake and she’s very much pregnant.
So why the fuck have I got a hard on for her? Why do I crave being near her? To help her like Link and Forde apparently are?
You know exactly why,my conscience whispers at the back of my mind.
Forde has a good enough reason to find himself in Ramsey’s company because he’s the best out of all of us at helping others. And since this is something he’s witnessed before, it obviously makes him the best candidate to help work on getting Ramsey out of her depression. They seem to have formed a friendship with each other quickly, and I can admit I’m a bit jealous.
And Link is handling Lake’s loss just as hard as Ramsey is, so it obviously makes sense that he’ll spend time with her, especially if they go to more of those grief meetings together.
What can I offer her in the way of helping take some of the stress from her? I am good with my hands, so logically helping build her nursery seems like the best choice.
“I could help,” I blurt out before I can truly think it through.
Jillian slides my drink across to me and raises a brow at me while she takes a sip of hers.
“You want to help build a nursery… for babies that aren’t yours,” she says when she sets her drink back down.
She places her elbows on the bar, linking her fingers together, and rests her chin on her hands, attempting to stare into my fucking soul. Her brow is still raised, and she snorts.
“Oh, those assholes,” she whispers under her breath with a laugh. “Okay, so how do you expect us to get the nursery put together without her knowing? She leaves the house more these days, but not long enough for us to secretly put an entire nursery together.”
That is a good question.
“Do you think you could get her to leave for a weekend? Maybe tell her it’s a last-minute mini vacation for her before the babies get here or to help take her mind off everything for a while,” I ask, an idea slowly forming in my mind.
If she can get Ramsey away for the weekend, I could get that whole nursery put together and ready by the time they get back. It’s perfect, really.
But that’s only if Jillian can get Ramsey to leave for an entire weekend.
Jillian’s eyes brighten and a grin spreads across her lips as she claps her hands excitedly.
“That’s perfect! And I know exactly what we could do.”
“What excuse will you give for me being in the house while you’re away?”
She waves her hand in a noncommittal way, eyes faraway as she plans out her devious weekend.
“I’ll find something to tell her that should suffice as a good enough reason. Hey, I’ll see you later. ‘Kay, thanks, bye.”
You would think her ass is on fire with the way she power walks out of here.
I shake my head and throw the rest of my drink back. Walking back behind the bar, I finish getting things set up to open. It’s just after ten in the morning, so I still have a couple more hours until it’s time to open the doors.
Forde should be here any minute, so while I wait, I contemplate the predicament that I have a feeling we are going to find ourselves in the longer we’re around Ramsey Daniels.