Page 34 of Broken Bonds

I can empathize with Jillian’s sense of hopelessness and frustration because I’ve been in her exact position before. It’s one I’d hoped to never be in again, but the more I think about Ramsey and see her suffering, the more I think about ways I could help her. Ways to give her an outlet.

The more I consider it, the more I’m confident I can save Ramsey from the same fate Celia succumbed to if I stay with Link. And honestly, he couldn’t have seriously thought Rion and I would let him stay here without us, anyway.

“Are there things we could do to help? I’m pretty sure we’re going to be hanging around for a while.”

Someone slides a glass in front of me and when I glance up, Maribel is in front of me with her hands on her hips as she looks me up and down. I raise a brow at her.

“You ever worked in a bar before?”

“No, but I’m a quick learner, so I’m sure I can figure it out.”

“What about one of the other two back there?”

“Rion worked in one for a while when we were getting on our feet.”

Her lips purse and I note her fingers tapping her hips as she continues to stare me down. I don’t flinch, instead taking a sip of the drink she gave me as I patiently wait to hear what she has to say.

“Fine. You want to help our girl out? You two can come help me around here. Don’t think I’ll go easy on you, but you’ll get paid and I’m fair,” she warns.

I grin at her and reach across the bar to shake her hand.

“Sounds good to me, Miss Maribel.”

Maribel rolls her eyes and scoffs, walking away to help someone else.

“I’ll tell you what I told my boys when they brought me in. You can drop all the ‘Miss’ crap, stud. Maribel will do just fine,” she calls out behind her.

A small laugh bursts out of me at her candor, and I shake my head as I look back at Jillian.

“I can see why they hired her and looked up to her,” I tell her.

“Ramsey is gonna freak when she finds out you guys are staying and now two of you are gonna be working atJinx?” she mumbles, eyeing me through bleary, tear-stained eyes.

I frown.

“We just want to help.”

“The sight of one of you is a painful reminder that she just lost someone more important to her than anyone could ever imagine. Seeing Lake’s face might bring a sense of warmth and comfort at some point, but right now, it’s just a painful reminder that he’s not here anymore, no matter how much Link looks like him.”

I peer down at the bar top, my eyebrows drawing together as my thoughts take me away.

She’s not wrong.

Hell, when Ramsey saw Link for the very first time at her front door, the shock of the situation caused her to faint. And we all heard her say her dead mate’s name. Not to mention, it wasn’t hard to see how much she struggled to look at him when she’d woken back up.

Our remaining here could be a source of further suffering and grief for Ramsey. Or it may cause her some distress for a short period, but eventually lead to her realizing that she has family —morefamily — that just want to help.

I noticed the various pictures that were scattered around her home and the single one on the back wall of the bar. It’s eerie how much Lake and Link look alike. There are subtle differences, but there’s no doubt that they were twins.

When Link woke us up after that lawyer called, the pain in his eyes was unbearable. He has been unwaveringly determined in his search for Lake. Refused to give up.

To find out he was so close all this time… I know it’s tearing Link up inside.

“I know you’re right, but I also think that in the long run, it will be good for her. We’re her family. She just doesn’t realize it yet. All we want to do is help her through this and make sure she survives it. You both are drowning in your grief. Let us help you both.”

When Jillian looks at me, biting her bottom lip and tears filling her eyes, I know she can hear the sincerity in my words. Her slight nod has me relaxing the tiniest bit.

“It’s not like I can force you guys to leave town, anyway,” she snorts, shaking her head and taking another sip of her drink.