I hop up on one of the empty stools at the end and rest my head in my hand as I prop my elbow on the bar. On the back wall are four canvas images of my alphas and I nearly burst into tears at the plaque underneath the pictures.
In memory of
Rule, Van, Lake, and Ollie Daniels
“Forget Me Knot Photography had these pictures of them blown up and put on canvases at my request. Janet and I are good friends, and Rule helped her repair the walls in her shop when her pipes burst. Merrick down at Merrick and Sons jewelry shop made the plaque when Janet told him what she was doing,” Maribel tells me softly as she gently places a cranberry sprite in front of me.
I give her a grateful smile and slide it closer to me as she gives me a wink.
“I love it. And you know they’d all give you shit for memorializing them like that in here, which makes me love it even more,” I tell her with a slight grin and a shrug of my shoulder, stirring the straw in my cup lazily.
Maribel sniffs and raises her chin.
“Yes, well... Serves the little shits right for leaving us down here,” she mutters.
I can’t help but agree with her.
She steps away to help someone, and I continue to sit and stare at their pictures, thinking. When Maribel comes back over to me to refill my drink, I bring up what I’ve been considering since everything happened.
“You know, I don’t want to close this place down, but I can’t run it. Especially right now. I’d hate to see her doors close after they worked so hard to bring her back to life, and I know it’s not what they’d want…” I trail off, watching Maribel’s reaction.
She sighs, the corner of her mouth tipping up as she shakes her head.
“I reckon I could do it. Itwouldbe a shame to see the old gal close. I’d have to hire some help, of course.”
Tears fill my eyes as I nod at her and take a sip of my drink before responding.
“Of course. Hire whoever you think fits the best for whatever you need. And you can always call me for help if you need to. I’ll check in with you monthly on how things are running otherwise.”
“You got yourself a deal, missy,” she says with a wink, patting my hand and walking away to help someone else down the bar.
Gradually, everyone begins to make their way to me with their condolences and love. Hugging me and telling me not to hesitate to call if I need anything, and how much they loved my alphas, and how missed they’ll be.
I want to go home and burrow into my nest. To hide away and never come back out again. I feel my senses being bombarded by the cacophony of noise and smells around me, which only makes me want the silence and comfort of the nest that I haven’t been in since all of this happened.
Right now, though, that’s exactly where I need to be.
Or, at least somewhere dark and alone, because to get to my nest, I’d have to go through my room, and I’m still not ready.
With each person who comes closer, I can feel my eyes stinging with the effort to hold back my tears. Despite my gratitude towards them all, I quickly become overwhelmed after nearly an hour of well wishes. Maribel is a godsend, as she notices quickly when I need help and sends everyone away from me so I can take a few moments to compose myself.
With a grateful expression aimed in her direction, I slide off my chair and hurry to the bathroom so I can splash cold water on my face in hopes it will help me contain everything until I’m alone again.
She’s sad.Distressingly so.
But even in her state, she’s hauntingly beautiful.
Long, honey blonde hair is pulled back away from her face, showing off a long, slender neck and elegant features, despite the gaunt cheeks and dark-ringed eyes from her grief. Her green eyes are bloodshot and shining with tears that she’s trying her hardest to hold back. A significant swell to her belly is noticeable in the dress she’s wearing, making her look even more beautiful than she already is, in my opinion.
Pregnancy suits her.
I imagine if she wasn’t currently going through one of the hardest things in her life that she’d be glowing right now. As it stands, she’s deathly pale and thinner than she should be, considering she’s carrying multiples.
The alpha in me wants to stomp over to her and demand she eat. If she refuses, then I’ll just hand feed her until I’m satisfied that she’s had enough and is well taken care of. It’s difficult for me to hold myself back from comforting and tending to her like the alpha inside of me demands.