Page 137 of Broken Bonds

“I didn’t think you meant literally!” she huffs, wincing when she shifts and her pants rub against her sensitive pussy.

“I’m a man of my word, Baby Doll. Of course, I meant it literally,” I tell her, laughing under my breath before I pick her up bridal style to carry her to the nursery.

When I set her down in the glider by the cribs and pick Fisher up to give to her, her frown turns upside down and she’s smiling.

“Yeah, well. Next time, have icepacks on standby,” she mutters, pulling her shirt up to feed Fisher.

I pass Birdie to her when she has him situated, and then I grab Dawson and the bottle Rion handed me at the door to the bedroom when we came out. Sitting on the floor next to her, we feed the triplets together, and I’m content.

My heart feels full, and my soul completely happy.

This is everything to me.



“Come on,my little angel, you got it,” I coo, encouraging Fisher with my arms out for him as I sit on the nursery floor.

He gets up on his hands and knees, rocking back and forth with a gummy smile and drool dripping down his chin as he prepares to try crawling to me again. Birdie and Dawson are over by the toy box, holding on to the edge as they pilfer around inside, throwing everything inside onto the floor when I glance over to check on them before looking back at Fisher.

He rocks again and then lifts his hand, slowly scooting himself forward. I hold my breath as he gets closer and closer, not wanting to shout in excitement and scare him, but the minute he makes it to me, I scoop him up and kiss him all over the face, cheering for him.

“You did it! Oh, look at you go, baby boy. I thought I told you to stop growing up on me,” I growl playfully, tickling his sides and making him squeal and giggle.

Link walks in as I set Fisher back down when he squirms in my hold, and I watch as he slowly scoots himself towards his brother and sister. I stand and walk over to Link, wrapping my arms around his middle and sticking my nose in his chest, inhaling deeply. I groan, my skin feeling itchy and my panties becoming wet as his peppermint scent invades my senses.

“You’re a little warm, Sunshine. Are you feeling okay?” Link asks when he kisses my forehead, looking down at me with concern.

I nod, huffing out a breath.

“I think it’s a spike. Won’t be long now,” I tell him, my voice coming out muffled when I press my face harder against his chest, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

The triplets are nearly eight months old now, which means I should be expecting my first heat since everything any day now. The alphas have been hard at work, helping me clean out my nest and fill it with all new bedding and pillows and their clothes for the last several days when I realized I was spiking.

The mood swings have been horrible, but the minute one of them realizes I’m spiking and that’s why I’m being a major brat, they take me to bed and fix my attitude problem. Honestly, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, so maybe I’ve been extra bratty on purpose. Just a little bit.

“Maybe I should call the others and Jilly so she can come get the triplets. Your spikes are becoming more frequent and you’re running warmer today than you have been.”

“It’s a Saturday, which meansJinxis packed. I can wait until they close,” I tell him.

And then a cramp seizes me, knocking the breath out of me.

“Okay, maybe call Jilly and tell her to go ahead and walk over,” I concede with a sigh. “But don’t call Rion and Forde yet. You can take care of me until they get off,” I tell him, standing up on my tiptoes and licking up his neck, making him groan.


I turn at the baby babble, grinning at Birdie as she scoots to me on her little booty. She refuses to get on her knees to move around, but she’s gotten quite adept at just boot-scootin’ around. Link leaves me to call Jilly over and I bend down to scoop Birdie up.

She blows a raspberry, slobber going everywhere as I lean my head back to avoid getting a slimy bath. When she stops, I boop her on the nose, making her giggle. I move over to the boys and sit down with them all, taking the toys they give me until my lap is as full as their toy chest.

When Jillian finally walks in with Link, I’m on the floor being smothered in baby kisses and drool and I can’t keep the smile off my face through it all.

“Alright, my little turkeys. Who wants to go with Aunt Jilly for a bit, hmm?” she says, coming over to stand over us, shaking her head as she laughs at me.

As soon as they see her, they abandoned me, and they all work to move closer to her.

“Traitors!” I accuse, and they ignore me in favor of their aunt.