Page 124 of Broken Bonds

Over the next several weeks, I spend every waking moment at the hospital. Forde and Rion went back to work atJinxa few days after I came home, so when one of them can’t come with me for visits, then Link or Jillian come with me. I can drive myself, but everyone is smitten with the babies, so they’re just as eager to be there with them as I am.

The triplets do amazingly well as the days go on, and before I know it, they weigh almost as much as a newborn. They have a few more tests to pass before I can take them home, but I’m so ready.

As nice and accommodating as the hospital staff has been, I just want my babies home with me.

The alphas have been staying with me since I came home, and it’s been nice. We didn’t exactly discuss it, but honestly, I didn’t want them to leave. So, when they just stayed all on their own, I didn’t say anything.

Every night, without fail, they climb into bed with me and take turns snuggling up next to me. The best part is that they rotate each night, making for a hilarious and heartwarming experience. When it’s not Forde’s turn, he becomes a sulking, pouting menace, but he gets over it pretty quickly.

No matter who it is beside me, I always feel a sense of warmth and happiness.

On the days that I can’t stop myself from crying because I don’t want to leave the babies or my emotions just get the best of me, they take turns holding me. Just knowing that they’re here, and that I’m not alone anymore, means everything to me.

Jillian and I walk in together with the triplets’ car seats for their last test. If they pass the car seat test, then I get to take them home.

“Oh, I hope they all pass. I’m so ready for them to be home so I can love on them whenever I want,” Jillian says, grinning at me as we make our way down the hallway.

“I know. I’m beyond ready. So are the guys,” I tell her, nervous excitement coursing through me.

“Ah, yes. And how are things going with your new alphas, best friend? We need another girls’ night soon so you can dish all the dirty details.”

She waggles her brows at me, nearly tripping when the car seat hits her in the shin, which makes me snort.

“Shit, that hurt. These things are dangerous,” she mutters, stopping to rub the spot it hit, before catching back up with me.

“Things are good. They’re so fucking perfect, Jilly. It’s ridiculous. And they’re so helpful around the house. When I’m having a bad day, they find ways to get my mind off whatever is bugging me. They hold me when I cry, never making me feel like I’m being overly emotional. Rion dances with me in the kitchen when we cook, and Forde is always down to cuddle and watch a movie with me. Link likes to read to me while I lay my head in his lap or rub my feet and talk to me about his day.”

I can’t keep the smile away as I tell her about the last few weeks with the alphas in my home.

“Rion’s been talking to Maribel about the changes he wants to make around the bar, and I’m excited for him. They’re really settling in here. Link told me the other night that they already sold their house back home and took a trip to get the rest of their things last week.”

“Yeah? And did they ever get snipped like they said they were going to?” she asks, giggling.

I laugh, nodding my head.

“Yeah, like a week after I came home. I felt so bad for them, but they were such good sports about it. Honestly, who couldn’t love them for doing that?”

It’s out of my mouth before I even realize it.

I look over at Jilly with wide eyes, stopping just outside of the NICU. Jilly grins at me, eyes sparkling with so much happiness for me.

“I love them,” I tell her, stunned.

“Yeah, you do, baby. If they break your heart, I break their faces! But other than that, I’m so happy for you, Ramsey. You deserve this so much. To love and be loved. After everything you’ve been through, this is all I want for you. To be truly happy and living your life to the fullest,” she says, bumping her shoulder against mine and hitting our car seats together.

“I want that for you, too, you know?” I tell her, smiling over at her.

She smiles back and looks down the hall.

“Maybe someday. Right now, I’ve got all the love I need from you and my nephews and niece. Come on. Let’s go see them pass another milestone so we can finally bring them home for snuggles and a movie night soon.”

Jillian hasn’t dated much since I came into her life, despite my attempts at finding love for her, but I hope one day she finds the person or people meant for her. I want to see my best friend happy and in love. She deserves it, and so much more.

Jilly walks ahead of me into the NICU, but I’m not far behind her. She’s already got Dawson in her arms when I walk in, talking to him and stroking his cheek. While we wait, I feed Birdie and Fisher, falling more and more in love with them as they both look up at me as they suckle, eyes unfocused and sleepy.

Birdie’s copper hair sticks up adorably and Fisher’s blonde peach fuzz tickles my nose when I bend down to kiss the top of his head. Jilly changes Dawson and feeds him a bottle while I finish up with Birdie and Fisher and cuddle with them in the chair once they’re full and changed.

A few hours later, the triplets pass their tests and I’m told that by tomorrow, I’ll be packing them up and bringing them home.