I smile at him, glad he knows that I’m capable of knowing my limits and keeping myself from doing something that could hurt me.
“And Link? Is he upset?”
“Nah. He’s just a worry wart is all. And he’s probably more jealous than me. He’s been wound tighter than the girdle of a Baptist preacher’s wife at an all you can eat pancake breakfast since they wheeled you back to have the babies.”
I laugh.
“Could have just said a clock or something.”
“Would you have laughed the same if I had?”
“Probably not.”
“Then I rest my case.”
Forde keeps me company while I finish pumping, which feels like it takes forever. That could just be because I’m ready to go see my babies now that I’m up and more alert. From his constant fidgeting and checking to see if I’m done yet, it’s clear that he’s just as eager to get to the hospital as I am.
When the bottles are almost full, I turn off the machine, positive that I’ll be able to breastfeed two of the triplets at the hospital while someone feeds the other one with a bottle.
“I’m going to go take a quick shower, then we can go see the babies,” I say, putting everything in a bag to be washed later and the milk in the small cooler bag Forde grabbed out of the freezer for me.
He takes the bag from me once I’ve zipped it up, leaving me to put it in the refrigerator while I get up and go to my room. I grab some comfortable sweatpants and a t-shirt before walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. Under the hot spray, I lean my head back, relaxing as the water helps with my soreness.
I squirt some gold dial soap in my hand and carefully clean around my incision site, rubbing it around gingerly with the tips of my fingers. It’s tender to the touch still, but I can at least cough, laugh, and sneeze now without feeling like my internal stitches will pop and my insides might spill out all over the place.
Gruesome? Maybe.
Still no less true.
Just as I’m about to wash my hair, the bathroom door opens, making me pause. My chest rises and falls as I wait, my core clenching in anticipation when Forde’s whiskey scent reaches me. It’s quiet for so long I start to question whether he’s still in here.
“Well? Are you coming in or not, Alpha?” I call out, spitting out the water that got in my mouth and wiping my eyes clear.
The shower curtain whips back, revealing him in all his naked glory, and my throat goes dry. I shiver when the cool air washes over my wet skin, goosebumps racing along my arms and chest as my nipples pebble to painful points.
Forde’s sheer size has always been something that I have admired and loved. Physically, he’s built like a tank, and when he curls me in his arms, I feel so small, even when I was pregnant. Despite his massive size, he feels safe, and he also feels… durable. Does that make sense? He exudes a sense of invincibility that’s incredibly alluring to me, as it seems like he could weather any storm with ease and come out on the other side with no lasting effects.
“So impatient, Baby Doll,” he says, eyes taking in every exposed inch of me.
His perusal makes me want to cover myself because I’m not quite comfortable with how I look right now. I know it’s only been two weeks since having the triplets, and I never expected everything to just go right back to normal, but I also wasn’t planning on anyone seeing me naked ever again either.
Where my incision is, the skin dips in deeply, leaving my belly to hang over slightly, something that will probably take me forever to get used to seeing instead of a smooth, flat surface. My abdomen hasn’t finished shrinking, but when it does, I’m a little afraid of how it’ll all look.
I know I created three beautiful, perfect beings, so I should be proud of what my body did, and I am. Don’t get me wrong. It’s just going to take some getting used to. This new body that I have that’s so different from how it looked before.
Just one more thing that’s changed in less than a year’s time.
It’s like Forde can sense where my thoughts have gone as he steps close to me and carefully grips my hips. Pulling me flush against him, one arm goes around my back while his free hand slips back to smack me lightly on the ass. He leans his head down and runs his nose along mine, water dripping down his forehead and off his lashes as he looks at me like he’d end the world for me.
“You are perfect, Ramsey Daniels. In any form. Sexy. Beautiful,” he says, grabbing my hand and sliding it down his front until we reach his hard length, pressing into me.
He wraps my hand around his hard length and squeezes it, eyes closing on a groan.
“Do you feel what you do to me, Omega? So put those worries out of your mind. This body carried three perfect beings inside of it, went through so much to get them here, and I love it,” he says, pausing.
He swallows nervously.
“I love it because it belongs to the omega that I love more than I’ve ever loved anyone. Even if she doesn’t love me back yet.”