Tears fill his violet eyes as a hundred emotions cross his features in the span of a second, completely stunned that I would name my daughter after his sister.
“It’s perfect,” he whispers, getting choked up.
“Why Birdie?” Link asks, smiling down at the tiny babies lined up on my chest.
I laugh lightly and look up at him.
“It’s the name my alphas picked. Actually, her full name was chosen by them,” I tell him, and he looks at me in confusion.
“I have a lot to tell you guys, but can it wait until we’re back in my room?” I ask, just wanting to enjoy finally holding my babies.
All three men practically lose their minds over the tiny humans in my arms after that, and gods, my reactions to these alphas since waking up are insane. Seeing them completely losing themselves over my kids is something I didn’t know I needed to see, but it totally was.
* * *
Back in my room that evening, I’m lying on my side, telling the alphas about seeing Lake, Ollie, Van, and Rule when I died. Link tears up when I tell him what Lake said, and then rolls his eyes about the part about him fucking me silly, but I don’t miss the heated look in his eyes afterwards. And yeah, okay, my face was flaming when I told them that. I hadn’t intended to, but then I thought, what the hell?
“So, they wanted you to name Birdie after my sister?” Forde asks, still a little shell-shocked after all I’ve told them.
“Yep,” I say with a smile. “And I love it. It’s the old and new twining together. I think it’s perfect. Oh, and Birdie is a character from one of my favorite movies, which they knew.”
I laugh, pillowing my head on my hands.
“Thank you for honoring her like that, Baby Doll. I honestly don’t know what to say,” Forde says, coming over and kneeling at my side.
He kisses me sweetly, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
“You don’t have to say anything or thank me, Forde. Just promise me you’ll stay,” I whisper, looking deep into his eyes and being incredibly vulnerable with him.
“Oh, baby. If you thought you were ever gonna get rid of me after letting me taste you, then you were sadly mistaken,” he mutters under his breath, but I know Link and Rion heard him.
And I don’t even care.
Because the way Forde is looking at me has me feeling so many things, and one of those things is anticipation for the moment that I’m healed and cleared for… extracurricular activities. Although, there is one thing I can probably still do. Something to consider for when I get home.
Rion groans when he catches a hit of my perfume before growling at Forde.
“Cut it out, you giant dick. We’re still in the hospital and we have something to take care of before any of that anyway,” he tells Forde.
Forde and I grin at each other before he kisses me again.
“Get some rest, Baby Doll. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
A week later,I’m finally being discharged, which I’m so ready for. But I’m not ready to go home without my babies.
If they keep gaining weight the way they are, the doctors think they’ll be able to go home in three to four weeks, but that feels like forever to me. I already know I’ll be spending every second with them while they’re here.
Once I’m dressed, I sit on my bed waiting to be discharged. Rion comes and sits beside me, pulling me into his arms effortlessly. Laying my head on his chest, I sigh in contentment, breathing his dark chocolate scent in and relaxing against him.