I sniffle despite the smile on my lips and watch as a tear drips onto the page, smudging the words, so I quickly fold the letter back up and put it in its envelope.
That damn alpha and his beautiful words.
He might have always said he wasn’t good with his words, but I knew the truth.
Van might have been an alpha of few words on most occasions, but when it really counted, he knew what to say to make sure I knew how loved I was. How treasured and adored. It’s one of the things I loved most about him.
Taking another deep breath, I look down at Lake’s envelope, my name written across the front in his beautiful penmanship. After several heartbeats, I finally open it and pull his letter out.
This is it.
The last letter, and the turning of this page in my life, and onto a brand new chapter.
A chapter where I have new alphas and my life looks completely different.
Alphas that love me probably as much as Rule, Van, Lake, and Ollie did.
Maybe more. Who knows?
But I do know I love them as much as I loved my alphas.
My guys, even gone, will always be my alphas, but there’s room for Forde, Link, and Rion in my heart as well.
Like they always said, my heart is big enough to love so many people, built to withstand even the worst Fate could throw at me.
I won’t let my fear of losing these alphas hold me back anymore. I won’t push them away.
Instead, I’ll love them with all I have.
I’ll give them all of me, and I hope, in return, they’ll give me all of them.
When I’m finally ready, I read Lake’s letter, knowing it’ll never truly be goodbye. It’s just ‘see you later’ and accepting that has been crucial in my healing journey.
Do you know what my biggest fear is?
It’s losing you.
My second biggest fear?
You losing one or all of us.
I lie awake some nights, unable to sleep, fearing those two futures ever coming to fruition and now, I feel this need to make sure no matter what, you and our babies are protected. That we leave something behind for you, even if it’s letters, just so you know how much we love you.
But before I can tell you just how much you mean to me, Petal, I have to confess something I’ve been hiding. Something I should have told you all so long ago.
I have a brother.
A twin. The one person in this world that shares my face.
And I haven’t seen or spoken to him in over a decade.
I can admit now that I acted rashly when Van and I left without a word, and then time seemed to pass me by so quickly that when I realized how many years had passed since I last saw him, I was too embarrassed to seek him out.
I finally found his contact info last year, but I’ve yet to use it, afraid he’ll refuse to talk to me. And afraid of your reaction to me keeping this secret from you, for lying to you for a decade and subsequently making Van lie to you as well.