He lays back with me in his arms after he pecks me on the lips, wrapping his arm across my chest.
“You’re going to kill me, but fuck am I going to die happy,” he mumbles against the top of my head.
I smile, relaxing back against his chest and feeling smug as hell at pleasing him.
I stretchas best as I can, groaning when I feel how full my boobs are. I peek my eyes open into slits and glance down, seeing Rion’s hand cupping the right one, milk leaking from between his fingers. His arm is also wet and sticky from banding around me.
I can’t believe I didn’t wake up to pump.
But I’m just so damn comfortable in Rion’s hold, it’s nearly impossible to get up. His hard cock is pressed against my backside, and I can’t help but grin as his breaths puff out against the back of my neck, chest rumbling softly as he somehow purrs for me even in his sleep. I snuggle down deeper, a sunny smile on my face as I close my eyes again, telling myself just five more minutes.
That is until I hear the sound of a throat clearing, and my eyes spring open.
Two pairs of legs stand in my line of sight, and when I slide my eyes up, Link and Forde stand there looking down at us, stern frowns on their faces and arms crossed over their chests. Forde raises a brow at me and my cheeks heat while his eyes twinkle with mirth despite the frown he wears.
Discreetly, I jab my elbow into Rion, unsure of where I connect, but it works. He grunts, his arms squeezing me tighter. I wince because my boobs are killing me, and when his hand squeezes, more milk sprays out.
Okay, now we’re wasting precious gold.
Gotta get up.
Rion sweetly kisses the back of my neck, smiling against me and I fucking melt, sighing like a lovesick fool.
“Good morning, Ray,” he says, voice thick with sleep and coming out husky. “You got me all wet.”
He pushes his hips into me, and I bite my lip to hold my grin in.
Because we have company.
“Did you two have fun?” Link asks, brow raising as well as he stares us down.
Rion startles behind me, finally realizing we’re not alone.
“I don’t know about him, but I sure did,” I respond cheekily, grinning up at the stern alpha as Rion pulls me farther back against him to hide his morning wood since he’s still very much naked.
And I am very much still topless.
“I gotta go pump. You’re squeezing all my milk out!” I laugh, turning to look back at Rion and pecking him on the lips.
I maneuver myself up and Forde helps me stand, tossing a pillow to Rion, which he promptly uses to cover his lap as he sits up.
His hair is a wild mess around his head, deep green eyes light and sated, and I can’t help but scramble back over to him. Gripping his hair tightly, I kiss him hard, making him groan against me before I pull back and let Forde lead me to the nursery so I can handle the overflow situation I’m dealing with.
In the nursery, I sit in the rocking chair and pull the little cart Rion got for me closer to set the breast pump up. Forde sits on the floor against the wall, getting himself comfortable as I relax back, sighing in relief when the pump pulls all that extra milk out, relieving the uncomfortable ache marginally.
“You mad at me?” I ask Forde, leaning my head back.
“Why would I be mad at you, Baby Doll?” he asks, propping his arm on his bent knee as he tilts his head.
I shrug.
“You’re a grown woman, Omega. And you know what you should and shouldn’t do right now after your c-section. If you and Rion enjoyed yourselves safely without hurting you or risking your health, then I have nothing to be upset about. Maybe a little jealous it wasn’t me, but there’s plenty of time for that,” he says, grinning at me with twinkling violet eyes that remind me of a galaxy.