Page 10 of Fallen Heirs

“It’s not like you to wait until something comes to pass in order to deal with it. You’re all about thinking ahead, planning. Yet this foursome of yours… it’s taking precedence over that, over many things.”

“The people we love usually do,” I rebutted.

“When it becomes to our detriment, that’s when it’s a problem, though.”

“Fuck, why are you doing this? You encouraged me not to shut down with her, to—”

“I know. I know, son. And you’ve clearly opened yourself up to her all the way. And now I’m trying to help you walk that line between experiencing all the good and all the love there is that comes along with that, while also ensuring you don’t succumb to it in a negative way, to losing yourself in the process.”

“Could this possibly be about more than that? Mother, for instance?”

“It’s not about her.”

“Really? You haven’t said a word about the revelation that she’s been working for Constantine all this time.”

“I’ve said plenty about it. Just not to you.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because, as I’ve expressed, you’ve had enough to deal with. My concern is thatyouhaven’t said a word about it tome.”He stepped forward and laid his hand on my shoulder. “You haven’t even processed it, have you? You’ve been far too wrapped up in your concern for your loves to even take the time to do whatyouneed.”

“I’ll deal with it when things settle. We’re at Abigail’s memorial, Father. The time certainly isn’t now.”

He sighed and dropped his hand. “It needs to be soon.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, finding a text. “One moment.”

I checked it quickly.

Talon:Where you at? X is drinking up a storm. Trying to keep it off Elliot’s radar. Maybe a feed from you will help? Or any other ideas? Need an assist, brother.

“I need to go,” I told my father.

“Of course you do.”


“At least consider what I’ve said, Orpheus.”

I sucked in a breath and gave a nod. “I will.”

“I’m here now, son. Any time. Anywhere.”

I smiled. Things had certainly come a long way since our estrangement.

“I know. I know you are.”



Orpheus’ soft groans filled my ears as he sank against the wall, grasping my belt while I fed from him in an alcove near the rear of the compound out of the way of everybody and everything.

Every now and then he’d rub his hard cock against my thigh, then stop himself, trying not to get too worked up considering where we were.

For my part, I was being gentle, feeding from him slowly and carefully in a bid not to push him too far either, knowing pain and a whole lot of roughness when I drank from him got him off.

He’d come to me as I’d been inside the compound looking for somewhere to sit down for a few moments after drinking a little too much. He’d claimed he’d needed a little relief in the form of my fangs sinking into his throat after getting into a fight with Alena.