Page 76 of Fallen Heirs

“They certainly are.” He smiled at his dad. “Thank you.”

“Of course.”

“We’ll stay with you,” Xavier said.

“That won’t be permitted,” Saryan told him.

“Why the hell not?”

“Alena will need absolute focus to train with me. The three of you will clearly impact that focus. You also won’t approve of my methods.”

“He’s a harsh trainer,” Orpheus interjected.

“That’s not making me feel any better about leaving her here,” Xavier said.

“Me neither,” Talon spoke, stepping to me and wrapping his arm around me protectively.

I smiled out at the two of them. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, sweet things.”

Orpheus was looking back at me with a whole lot of pride shining in his eyes. He knew I could do this and he also recognized how far I’d come since we’d first met.

I knew the other two did too, but they were letting their worry and love for me cloud that currently. It was understandable considering only hours ago they’d witnessed me being brutally attacked at the Academy.

Saryan looked out at Orpheus. “Work on the other front, son.” He gestured at Xavier and Talon. “The time has come for you to reveal yourprojectto them. Now you have overcome your reservations.”

“So youwereshaken after everything that’s happened?” Xavier asked Orpheus.

He shoved a hand through his hair. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” Talon asked, walking to him and stroking his arm in comfort.

“It wouldn’t have served a purpose.”

“More like you couldn’t admit what you would’ve believed was weakness,” Xavier said.

“No,” I interjected firmly, drawing attention from them all. “He knew we needed him. He was holding everything together, holdingustogether.”

“Suffering forus,”Talon said, pulling Orpheus to him and wrapping his arms around him.

“Sounds like my son,” Saryan commented.

I saw Xavier soften as the true reality of it settled over him.

“I know you’re trying to protect us all and there’s precedence for your accusations, but things are different now, he’s different. And we really need to pull together on all things now,” I told Xavier. Then I looked out at the three of them. “That includes being okay with me staying here and training with Saryan.”

Xavier blew out a breath. “You’re right, beautiful.” He went to Orpheus. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not needed, but thank you,” he said, pulling from Talon and slap-shaking with Xavier.

“So, what’s this project you’ve been working on?” Xavier asked without any edge this time.

Orpheus smiled. “Something that will alter the entire makeup of the supernatural world.”

Xavier’s eyes widened. “That’s a bold claim.”

Orpheus smirked. “Well, that’s me. Always with a healthy amount of hubris.” He told Xavier and Talon. “Let Alena do what she needs and I’ll show you everything.”

“I’ll remove the vacuum and allow you time to say your goodbyes,” Saryan said.