Page 83 of Fallen Heirs

“I didn’t want you to bench me,” I told him as we both passed through the ward and made our way through the mansion toward the basement stairs that led down into his lab. “You already wanted me and Talon to head to our family home following the attack on Electi Academy and that was without you knowing about that sorcerer taking some of my magic for Constantine.”

“In a bid to protect you, Xavier.”

“Well, maybe that’s not the kind of protection that I need.”

He pulled up short as we reached the top of the basement stairs. “What do you mean by that? After everything you’ve suffered through—”

“That’s just it.That.I can’t stand being seen as a victim. Or, worse, as a problem.”

“That’s not how I see you.”

“You think I’m weak, that I’m broken.”

He frowned. “On the contrary, son. To have survived and overcome what you have took great strength. I’m amazed at your fortitude, at your ability to keep moving forward, especially after hitting rock bottom.”

I started. “Really?”

“Of course. My faith in you has never wavered.” He laid his hand on my shoulder. “But, yes, I do want to protect you. You’re my son. I don’t want you to suffer any more than you already have. I can’t stand it. Especially given the fact that it’s because of me. Because of my position as leader ofExemplar, because I’m a target for megalomaniacs like Constantine Vale.” Pain was all over him as he uttered, “And because I am the reason you were turned. I failed to stop him.”

I laid my hand on his on my shoulder. “Dad, you did everything you could to protect me, to stop that from happening. You almost killed yourself in the process actually. None of this is because of you or who you are. It’s because of who Constantine is, plain and simple. That’s where the blame belongs.”

I brought him in for a hug, holding him tightly to me. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.” As we eased apart, he added, “I’ve missed our closeness, Xavier. I’ve missed you keeping me abreast of what’s going on with you, beyond basic details to ensure I don’t worry. I’ve missed you confiding in me.”

“I’m sorry. Things are just—”

“Beyond complicated?”

I nodded.

“Largely because of my role atExemplar,yes?”

I tensed. What was he getting at? Did he know something?

Off my look, he rolled his eyes. “As busy as I have been, I did check whether you showed up at our family home with Talon. You didn’t. I also picked up Orpheus’ magical signature in the courtyard of the compound around the time that you should have left. I know you went with him.”


“I also know that he’s not harboring Alena Rose after all. She’s in the Dark Fae Realm with Saryan.”

Before I could get a word out, he added, “I’m theonlyone who knows.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’msayingthat I know the four of you are up to something—well, five of you with Saryan involved—and it won’t reachExemplar’sear, nor will I stand in your way.”

“How are you okay with that? I know that Orpheus told you there’d be no secrets, that you made an agreement about transparency.”

“We did make a verbal agreement, yes. But he also made it clear to me that he will go off-book when he believes it is absolutely necessary. I was aware that this was a possibility. I ensured that I showed him the negative aspects ofExemplar, the areas where the organization lags or fails entirely, as well as the positive. I also made it clear to him that we couldn’t afford to go against each other, but that my hands are tied in being able to push change and implement things with the way the organization operates.”

The realization hit me. “You managed him.”

“I guided him in the right direction and I have faith that he’ll meet me in the middle, that he’ll come to me when whatever he is attending to reaches fruition.”

“He will. I can actually guarantee it. He just wanted us to deal with this situation first. Like both of us, he didn’t foresee it taking this long.”

“Then let us continue working on this mystery we’ve found ourselves with,” he said, with a smile.