“All right, because there may actually be a way, X.”
“What? You’re fucking with me?”
“No. Not about this. Never. To cure you of your vampirism, Constantine believes it will require undoing your death, the moment he took your life, part of the process of turning someone. To achieve that, he intends to take another’s lifeforce and transplant it into you.”
“Fucking shit, could he actually do that?” I asked.
“The level of power it would require… it shouldn’t be possible for him, not without all that black magic coursing through his veins. But the seemingly impossible has never stopped him before. He’s found his way around things, even arranging his own resurrection.” He told X urgently, “I need you to go to Elliot and give him this information. He needs to look into this right away. His knowledge base is extensive, far beyond any of ours.”
“What about your father? I mean, Ore, I didn’t tell my dad for a reason. He could lock me down for this, sideline me. He already sees me as a victim in so many ways and with me trying to burn in the sun, he’s still on edge when it comes to me. I don’t want that, I need to prove that I’m beyond that, I need to be an asset now, a help here in this war, to you, to everyone possible.”
“I understand. You will be a help by doing this. This plan of Constantine’s is dangerous to begin with, but its overall purpose is what worries me more, why he offered you this, whathegets out of it. With you and Elliot working together to figure that out, it will cut it off at the quick and prevent yet another fucking catastrophe at that madman’s hands. Besides, my father needs to focus on Alena and the failsafe right now. Not to mention, Elliot is more familiar with your magic than anyone else is.” Ore stepped up to him and slid his hand to his cheek like he did with me when I needed comfort. “And when you’re done, I need you back here by my side helping me lead this new incarnation ofObsidian.”
“You do?”
“Without a doubt. You’re rational and strategic and you can handle yourself well in high-pressured situations, as I’ve seen through your conduct in the far too many battles we’ve found ourselves embroiled in lately. You also help to reel me in and balance me out. We’re going to need that when Alena also becomes a part of this, because you know what she brings out in me with the two of us always challenging one another.”
X smiled, taking his words in. “Together we’re stronger.”
Orpheus nodded. “The four of us together? Fuck, we can’t fail.”
X’s smile widened. “The heirs will rise.”
“It’s our time now,” Orpheus said.
“Shit, yeah,” I cried, throwing my arms around the two of them and pulling us together.
They chuckled and I beamed out at them as it all rolled over me.
This wasn’t just another plan.
This was the shit.
This new incarnation ofObsidian, Alena working on her new ability, Ore working to change the balance in the supernatural world… it was all the big time. All major steps that were leading up to one surefire thing.
Nothing would ever be the same.
“You’re being remarkably gracious about this.”
I looked at Saryan as we walked side by side through the dark stone corridors of the palace.
His words had definitely been loaded and I could tell that he was stopping himself from making a comment about being pleasantly surprised that my mom’s stubbornness and holier than thou attitude weren’t hereditary traits, that our interactions weren’t fueled with the same difficulties that theirs had been for the most part. Right up until the end when they’d finally made peace between them. That was clearly why he wasn’t speaking to it outright, out of respect to her, and to me and my memory of her.
“Well, it’s the least I can do after assaulting you when you were trying to help me.”
His lip curled. “Ah, yes, I recall a biting slap. The blame there lies solely with Constantine Vale. I don’t hold you responsible for what you were made to do while under his control.” He turned his head. “This cooperation is about more than that regret, however. Or about your wish to perfect thisspecial abilityas your loves refer to it.”
I cocked an eyebrow.
“You did not wish to create a divide between my son and I.”
“I didn’t, no. Your relationship is important to him. Those three years you were regrettably estranged hurt him and I know he doesn’t want to repeat that.”
“Neither do I, so I appreciate what you’re doing to prevent that. He was willing to stand against me over your wellbeing. He’s never done anything like that before. Certainly not for another. That’s how much you mean to him. At one point, I was concerned such powerful feelings for you would be detrimental to him. I was wrong. Witnessing his display of power a few days ago, seeing him stepping up and taking on a leadership role without it being merely about duty and birthright, it’s clear knowing you and loving you has brought out the best in him, a strength he’d been holding at bay before. Moreover, in spite of external circumstances, he’s happier than I’ve ever known him to be. The three of you bring that to him and I’m grateful he has that.”