Page 66 of Fallen Heirs

Magically-induced thunder rolled overhead, the sky breaking as bolts of purple lightning tore through it.

My guards and my gargoyles didn’t move, however, recognizing its source as I had.

In the next moment, a violent flash of purple light erupted on the bridge just steps from me and Orpheus materialized in a deep crouch, his power sparking all over him as he slammed his fist down onto the bridge’s surface, lightning leapfrogging out toward me.

I raised my hand and stilled it in its tracks, preventing it from connecting.

Fury emanated from him, his body vibrating with it as he rose to his feet, his eyes flaming at me in both warning and threat.

A flash of blue light came into being just behind him and then his two cohorts, Xavier and Talon, materialized, flanking him.

Hmm.They’d put the pieces together faster than I’d hoped.

Orpheus called more of his power and the force behind it actually pushed me back.

He was making it clear to me exactly what he was capable of now, that his power, in fact, rivaled mine.


“Father,” he bit back.

“You’ve made your point. Pull back your magic and we’ll talk about this rationally.”

“Rationally?” he spat out. “Like you kidnapping the woman we love?”

“I did what was necessary. You shouldn’t have kept this secret from me. Don’t think for one moment that I believe you had no idea of this ability of hers. An ability that is a threat to our people, Orpheus. You had a duty to report this to me.”

“What my duty was regarding this situation is up for debate.”

“No. It certainly isn’t.”

“Release her.Now.”

A snarl sounded and I looked to see Xavier had called on his vampiric nature, his fangs dropping. “That’s her blood on your hands.”

“Shit, you hurt her?” Talon cried.

“What have you done?” Orpheus demanded.

His magic flamed and I conjured a shield of silver to encompass me, dropping my palms and watching as his lightning fought to penetrate it.

I wouldn’t strike my son. I didn’t want to hurt him and I knew he didn’t really want to hurt me either.

He could have struck me with the lightning from the magical storm he’d generated before he’d materialized when I wouldn’t have been able to see it coming in due time.

The phoenix called his flames forth and the hybrid did the same with his magic, making a move against me.

Before they could so much as release their power at me, six of my guards teleported before them, surrounding them, weapons drawn.

While they knew not to interfere in a battle between my son and I, the same certainly didn’t extend to others.

As Orpheus moved to react, I called to him, “Summon your rational thought. Should you escalate the situation, theywillbe harmed. I don’t wish it to come to that and I’m certain you don’t either.”

“Enough bloodhasbeen shed lately. Yet you’ve just shed more,” Orpheus rebutted.

“It’s not what you think.”

Xavier scoffed. “Her blood is staining your hands and you really want us to believe you haven’t hurt her?”