Page 51 of Fallen Heirs

“That was rather pointed.”

“It was meant to be.” He stepped up to me, regarding me shrewdly. “You are at a crossroads. That’s what this uncertainty you’re feeling is all about.”

Before I could respond to that sharp observation, he added, “And your fear.”


“Those you love were hurt by Constantine Vale. This is the first time you’ve experienced anything like that. It would impact anyone, Orpheus. How you handle that impact is what matters, though.”


“And what?”

“Father, I don’t believe for one second that you aren’t already well aware of what I’ve been up to, that you don’t already know how I’ve been handling it. I’m actually stunned that you’ve held your tongue this long about my involvement withExemplar.”

“Yes, well, I’d hoped you’d come to the conclusion on your own.”

“The conclusion that I’m being manipulated by them?”

“That’s what they do, how they’ve always been. Unfortunately, even though Elliot is more openminded than Abigail was, he still has protocols to abide by. He’s also burdened with a great deal currently, more than ever, withher gone. A wildcard, especially one with your power set is something he knows he can’t afford. But he also respects you and what you did during the recent upheaval, so he doesn’t want to make an enemy of you. He wants to make you an asset and to guide you in what he believes is the right direction.”

“I didn’t think you’d ever bring yourself to defendExemplarin any way.”

“The issue here iswhyyou’ve allowed yourself to be manipulated.”

Before I could respond, he threw the answer at me. “You want safety for those you love so you’re focused on protection when you should be focused on battle. Sometimes there is no peace without war.”

“And yet in war there are always casualtiesandfatalities.”

“Yes. However, to be a leader like I know you want to be, that you were born to be, you need to find a way to accept that harsh reality. You need to be willing to fight with everything you have against the enemy. You have demonstrated that ability, just recently in fact with your army on the battlefield to defend Electi Academy, but after seeing the damage done to Alena, me on my deathbed and Abigail perishing, it’s undercut your resolve there, your approach of always doing what’s needed. You think falling in line withExemplaris a way around that.”

“I’m not being manipulated.”

He raised an eyebrow. “It seems very much like it. And, yes, I am watching you. I may be an outcast whereExemplaris concerned, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes there.”

“Exactly. Itseemslike it to everyone.”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “You’re playing everyone?”

“I’m learning.”

“From the inside.”


“To what end?”

I folded my arms across my chest. “You’re aware thatObsidianwas my cover for the army.”


“The obsidian stone is seen as protective, hence me forming an army to safeguard us against our enemies, namely, Constantine.Butit’s also known for transformation. And that’s exactly what I intend to do with it, the direction in which I intend to take it.”

“Hmm,” he uttered, intrigue shining forth and his smile widening.

“That’s my other reason for coming here. For my plan concerning it to work, I need your help. Your cooperation actually.”

“Well then, by all means, let’s adjourn to somewhere more conducive for a discussion of this nature. The War Room, I’d say.”