As soon as I stepped through the entrance doors, the smell of smoke wafted toward me, irritating my lungs and sending a shot of adrenaline through me from concern too.
Voices reached me, commotion coming from the kitchen further into the house.
In the next beat, I was teleporting to just outside the door.
The moment I did, a smoke alarm went off, making me wince, as it was right overhead.
Before I could even react, a wisp of cobalt-blue magic floated out of the kitchen and up to the alarm, switching it off.
“What the—”
I stepped into the kitchen, my words catching in my throat as I took in the scene happening within. The extremely chaotic scene.
There Xavier was lounging at the kitchen table, his feet kicked up on the top, while he flicked more wisps of his magic, this time opening the patio doors, then the window over by the kitchen sink basin. He was laughing as he took in the source of the trouble.
Talon and Alena.
They were over by the oven, the thing wide open with thick smoke billowing out of it.
Alena was tossing two pans of some charred food concoction into the double sinks and dousing them with water, while Talon was fighting to control the flames raging from the oven with his agnikinesis ability as a phoenix.
He managed it and then the fire was put out.
But the smoke was lingering.
I took care of it with a sweep of my magic, my purple power surrounding it, gathering it in a funnel, then sending it out through the patio doors.
“What a shit fest,” Talon breathed, stepping back from the oven and shoving a hand over his bright orange head.
“I’d say so,” I spoke.
The two of them spun toward the sound of my voice and took me in leaning against the kitchen door, my arms folded across my chest.
“Uh… Ore… hey. You’re back early,” Tal uttered, looking all sheepish.
Alena was right there with him, telling me, “You weren’t supposed to see this.”
“But I’m so glad that he did,” X said, still chuckling.
“Cut it out,” Alena told him, but she was grinning as she said it.
“Yeah,” Tal told him. “You’re just sore that you weren’t a part of it.”
“I told you to wait for me to be done with therapy.”
“We thought we had it covered,” Alena told him.
“Besides you always get to be the romantic and thoughtful one. It was our turn,” Tal said.
“There you go discounting yourself,” X said, pushing off the table and walking over. “You’re plenty thoughtful.”
Alena gave his bicep a squeeze. “You are, angry bird.”
His eyes lit up and he nuzzled against her cheek making her giggle. “Aww, I love you too, feisty Nephilim.”
“So what happened? What was X left out of?” I asked.