The moment he rolled him over onto his back, a chill ran down my spine.
His eyes were closed. I couldn’t see his chest rising and falling with breath.
Talon looked out at all of us, tears filling his eyes. “He’s not… he’s not here anymore. No!” He threw his arms around him, shaking him. “Where did you go? You can’t… you can’t go. Ore! Ore!Ore!”
This wasn’t happening.
It couldn’t happen.
Orpheus Hart couldn’t fall.
The fucking Dark Fae Prince couldnotfall.
It just didn’t compute.
The barriers took another hit after Talon suddenly leaving it, as Saryan did the same, rushing over there and skidding to his knees on the other side of Ore opposite Tal.
The look on Saryan’s face was absolutely wretched.
I saw it take him a shitload of effort just to focus.
And then he crossed his hands over his son’s heart and delivered a massive jolt of his power that had Ore’s unmoving body jolting violently.
“Shit, again. Do it again, please,” Tal begged him, tears streaming down his face now, his hands trembling.
Saryan did, but nothing happened.
Marlowe teleported in next, right beside him.
“Help me,” Saryan pleaded, his voice breaking.
I saw Marlowe physically jolt as he took in the scene.
He managed to get himself together and moved beside Saryan, then ran a glowing palm the length of Ore’s body. “Love, he’s—”
“No,” Saryan growled.“No.”
Tal sobbed, stroking Ore’s hair, his whole body trembling with his grief.
And then Saryan rose to his feet and turned both his palms up, calling his silver power.
Violent winds ripped through the area, thunder rolled through the sky.
Silver lightning sparked everywhere.
“Don’t. Don’t do this,” Marlowe called out, getting to his feet too.
“I won’t let this be my son’s fate,” Saryan ground out, his power continuing to gather dangerously. “I will pull him fromSpiritusmyself.”
Holy hell,that was what he was doing?