“I thought so.”
“You all right?” he asked, looking me over.
“Yeah, just need a second or two.”
That was denied us all as the gates were breached, Ore’s magic shattering, along with the shimmering purple wall in front of us. I heard creaking and crashing and swung my head to see absolutely everything falling then, the whole pocket dimension collapsing.
And then I saw Ore flying high in the sky, his Dark Fae wings outstretched in all their glory as he streamed his magic forth, levitating away the dangerous collapse of so much, his hands moving rapid-fire to accomplish it.
Even the central quarters building had come down and I saw Saryan there, one hand batting away the debris and heavy stone as his other held a shield over him, Elliot, and Vanessa while he also completed the spell to return Elliot’s magic to him, a beaker levitating, shining with his magic and bubbling blood.
Hell almighty.
At the same time, an explosion of white smoke erupted right by the frontlines, and then Lenora materialized with several hundred acolytes flanking her.
The crazy bitch hopped up on way too much celestial magic noticed Ore there trying to spare everyone from being crushed by all the debris and the destruction. Her gaze flicked to Saryan and Elliot next. But then it moved to Alena over by what was now a field of magic and my fire surrounding Constantine, keeping him trapped, with Alena having already added another layer of her magic to reinforce it.
“Kill them!” she commanded the acolytes. “Kill them all.”
In the next second, she disappeared in a cloud of teleportation.
X and I searched the area frantically, trying to pinpoint where she was going to rematerialize.
And then the worst happened.
White smoke erupted right over by Alena.
Before Alena could even react, Lenora blasted her with a massive bolt of her power that sent her spinning out several hundred feet away in what was just a field now.
She landed on her back, choking up blood.
Lenora sneered, then turned to Constantine’s cell and thrust two streams of celestial magic at it.
A battle cry rang out from Ore, and thenObsidiancharged, while the acolytes ran into the fray too, their sheer numbers, although smaller thanks to Ore, still threatening to overwhelm us.
Within moments, we were all immersed in a battle to the fucking death.
The last thing I was aware of before it all became a blur of immediate violence, pain, and blood, was Ore finishing up protecting us, then soaring over to Lenora, Constantine, and Alena.
Fuck me.
I thought I’d managed to take some big hits lately.
But none of that had come close to what had rattled my bones and my insides alike when Lenora had blasted me with my mom’s power.
The megalomaniac who was fucking up everything.
Including my agreement with Orpheus not to take her on until I’d taken away her magic. That plan had been thrown right out the window with this sudden attack of hers.
Orpheus had just expended a mass amount of power protecting everyone from the collapse of the pocket dimension and he hadn’t even been able to rest or recover for even a second before soaring over here and fighting to stop her from freeing the maniacal hell beast who’d started all of this in the first place.
Purple lightning pierced the sky as he gathered his power and one hell of a storm before bringing it down with a sweep of his hands right upon her, as he hovered several feet above her immediate area.
She cried out as it wracked her body and had her stumbling back from Constantine’s cell.