“We can’t bring her here right now,” I reminded Ore.
“I’m aware.”
“What is she doing with Saryan?” Elliot asked. “I’m sure he’s not merely hiding her because she’s your love.”
We were past the point of secrets now, where he was concerned too, so Ore revealed, “She’s learning how to use her dark magic extinguishing ability, while my father is also working on a failsafe to guard against that ability.”
“We’re keeping everything else off her plate so they can get through that as soon as possible,” I added.
“I see,” Elliot said. “Yes, if she knew about this, especially the part concerning Lenora wielding her mother’s magic, it would very likely send her off track. I agree, she cannot be bothered at this juncture. That ability of hers could prove hugely beneficial against Constantine, but the need to guard against it is also absolutely necessary or she’ll forever have to remain in hiding.”
“Yeah, she’ll be hunted until dark magic wielders know there’s a way to safeguard against it if she ever lost control, or was turned, or something,” I said.
“I agree to your initial plan regarding the Dark Fae dust. I’ll need to review the spell beforehand, though.”
Elliot blew out a breath. “It was far too close earlier.”
“Those shields certainly assisted. They’re a phenomenal product,” Orpheus told him.
Elliot nodded. “TheIlluminex Shieldswere intended to be purchased by non-magical beings to protect against rogue magic-wielders. Many beings have been at a disadvantage without possessing magic, unable to defend against it. As much as we try, we don’t live in an ideal world and as such cannot root out all criminal activity. These would give the owners a defense should they require it. It they’re abused by anyone, they can also be deactivated bySabre Techper user.” He eyed Ore. “You didn’t actuallypurchasethem, did you?”
“What gave it away?”
“Frederick would have alerted me immediately if that many shields were purchased.”
“I might have used my dark allure on a couple of your employees at one your storage facilities to get a hold of them. Money was exchanged for them, but there wasn’t time to go through proper channels when I received Vanessa’s message. I had to move fast.”
“I understand.”
“You do? Just like that?” I spoke.
“Not being able to respond swiftly enough to situations due to policy and procedural constraints has becomeExemplar’sgreatest weakness.” He smiled out at Orpheus. “That’s whereObsidiancomes in. Quite the creation. I’m impressed. Xavier told me that you intended to discuss this secret with me, but I believe it being revealed the way it was tonight actually worked out better. It was a formidable demonstration ofObsidian’sability to respond to a threat. You were well-organized, prepared, and undeniably capable. Instead of me then merely tellingExemplarabout what you would have revealed to me, the members were able to see for themselves and in a time of great need too. It won’t take much to ratify things and legitimizeObsidian’sexistence now. I can also create a version of theEye of Intuitumgeared solely toward situations that require forceful intervention like that of an army.”
“If you do that, we need to filter in reports from the people too. That’s one of the things missing from the current version you have at the compound—the word of regular supernatural beings who aren’t connected toExemplaror leaders of factions and realms. A lot is missed with that not being factored in.”
Elliot smiled. “Excellent suggestion. I’ll include that then.”
“I hope we can still work together after this lack of transparency,” Ore told him.
“What you did was necessary as far as I’m concerned. One thing I will say is that you need to be careful, ensuring that you have full control overObsidian’sactions.Exemplarwon’t like that there’s no oversight. So you’ll need to show them that you can operate on good faith, that the power of such a force won’t be abused. For this to succeed you can’t be beholden to so many restrictions and procedures likeExemplaris, but there needs to be a careful balance on your end. It would help if one of your leaders split their time betweenObsidianandExemplar, with one foot in each. It would give my members the illusion of control at least.”
“I agree.”
“With your role as supreme leader and creator ofObsidian, it can no longer be you. And, in truth, you are needed in the Dark Fae Realm with your father also. Your outlook on things, your influence, will aid in keeping him on the right track he’s taken lately. I don’t believe Alena is suited for the role either. She doesn’t do well with bureaucracy.”
“She doesn’t, no. She has a very different outlook on things than her mother did,” Ore told her.
Elliot looked at me. Before he could say what I assumed was coming, I held up my hand, “I know I’m not suited for the role. That kind of leadership isn’t my thing.”
“Don’t discount your ability to step up to the plate, Talon,” Ore told me. “You have your plans to establish a supernatural orphanage and I believe you have the means and the temperament to run that effectively.”
“Supernatural orphanage?” Elliot questioned.
“For beings like me who’ve lost their families, who need sanctuary and guidance.”
“It’s a wonderful idea.”