"This is my baby boy." I can't help the softness that creeps into my voice. "Rescued him two years ago. Only Asher knows about him, and my parents—kind of ruins the whole brooding bad boy image."
Her delighted laugh eases the last of my nerves. Inside her apartment, I open the carrier, and Espresso struts out like he owns the place. He rubs against my legs first—his usual greeting—before immediately turning his charm on Tessa.
"Oh my God, he's huge!" she exclaims as he headbutts her hand, his purr kicking into high gear.
"Maine coons are the gentle giants of the cat world." I sit on her floor, watching them bond. "Though he thinks he's more of a lap dog."
"Is he Espresso because of his coloring? Or because of those cookies you used to steal in high school?"
I laugh, caught off guard by the memory. "Little bit of both. Plus, he keeps me up all night like too much coffee would."
She jumps up suddenly, returning moments later with a small box that makes my chest tight.
"Meatball's toys. They were his favorites," she says softly, pulling out a crinkly ball.
Espresso attacks it immediately, making us both laugh. But I'm more focused on her face—how it glows with happiness even as her eyes get a little misty remembering her own cat.
"Thank you," she whispers, looking at me, "for sharing him with me."
"Thank you for giving us somewhere to spend Christmas." I lean over to kiss her, tasting her smile. "Now, I believe you mentioned something about movies?"
We end up on her couch, Espresso sprawled across both our laps like the king he thinks he is. We’ve just startedHome Alone, a Christmas classic we both love.
"Wait a minute," Tessa says suddenly, sitting up straighter. "How did you hide him all those times I was at your place?"
I laugh, running my hand along Espresso's back. "He has his own room. I kept him in there when you visited. Didn't want to stress him out, and honestly, I wasn't sure how you felt about cats. If you were allergic or more of a dog person."
"Are you kidding?" She looks at me incredulously. "Do you know what was the first thing I asked Ivy when we met?"
"If she liked cats." She shakes her head, laughing. "It was my deal-breaker question for potential friends. I wish I had known sooner—poor baby stuck in his room while I was over." She plants a kiss on his nose.
"He didn't mind. He has a whole cat paradise in there—trees, toys, his own window seat…"
"Of course he does." She scratches under his chin, making him purr louder. "Spoiled just like his dad."
"I prefer to think of it as particular about our comforts."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, bad boy." She settles back against me. "Though I have to say, finding out you're secretly a cat dad might be the best Christmas present ever. Isn’t that right, Espresso?” She scratches his cheeks, his purrs growing almost obnoxiously louder.
“Mmm.” I nuzzle her neck and lower my voice. “Another cat daddy secret—I know how to make a kitty purr.”
Her head falls back in laughter before she turns to cup my face, kissing me sweetly. “Oh, trust me, cat daddy, I haven’t forgotten how stuffed full of coal your stocking was this year, and neither has my kitty.”
Within seconds we’re lost in each other. Hands, tongues, lips trying desperately to devour each other. It’s not until Espresso’s soft pawing at my arm that I pull back.
“We’re missing the movie,” I remind her, “and clearly not paying attention to this young man enough.”
She smiles, reaching over to grab Espresso and lean against my chest, the three of us settling in to enjoy the movie as a family.
Halfway through the next movie, our attempts at cooking dinner turn into a comedy of errors. The smoke alarm sends Espresso bolting, and I can't stop laughing at our shared culinary incompetence.
"Good thing I have backup plans!" Tessa announces, producing a frozen pizza and… Christmas tree cakes?
"Really?" I eye the packaged snacks skeptically. "You own a bakery and we're eating these?"
"Hey!" She pokes my chest, indignant. "These are a cherished tradition. Don't knock it till you try it. Besides, I’m clearly not the baker." She laughs, gesturing around the destroyed kitchen.