Page 32 of Stuffed

"Is anywhere safe?" I ask quietly, "or do you just tell yourself that to avoid taking risks?"

He doesn't answer, but his hand tightens on the doorframe. Finally, he turns back. "I can't promise you anything, Tessa."

"I'm not asking for promises." I hold his gaze. "Just possibilities."

The silence stretches between us, heavy with everything unsaid. Then he nods, just once, before disappearing into the night.

I stand there long after he's gone, staring at the space where he stood. Because that wasn't a no. It wasn't a yes either, but with Zane Mercer, maybe possibilities are enough. For now.

Chapter 10


I'm still staring at myself in the bathroom mirror several minutes after washing my hands, Tessa’s words echoing in my head.Just possibilities.

The ghost of her touch lingers on my skin, driving me crazy. With a growl of frustration, I yank off my tie and unbutton my shirt. The mark she left on my neck stands out against my skin—a reminder that she's getting under my defenses in more ways than one.

I grab the sweater I brought to my parents’ house to change into. It’s not often I take a meeting on a weekend, but if it is with an old family friend in the suburbs, that also gives me the excuse to pop in and see my parents.

My phone buzzes and it’s Asher.

"What?" I snap, answering it.

"Well, hello to you too, sunshine," he drawls. "Bad night?”

"What do you want?"

"Can't a guy check on his brother? Especially when said brother was seen leaving a certain bakery very late last night…"

I grip the counter. "Are you having me followed?"

"Please. Ivy saw your car when she drove by. Said you looked… disheveled."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Wait!" He laughs. "Seriously though—what are you doing, Zane?"

I close my eyes, remembering how Tessa looked spread across her desk. How she felt in my arms. How she sees right through every wall I've built.

"I don't know," I finally admit.

"Yes, you do. You're just too scared to admit it."

"I'm not scared."

"No? Then why are you fighting this so hard?"

"Because—" I cut myself off, running a hand through my hair.

"Because what? Because she actually sees the real you? Because she's not intimidated by your bullshit act?"

"Because I'll fuck it up!" The words explode out of me. "I always do. I don't know how to…" I trail off.

"How to what? Love someone?"


"Fine." He sighs. "But for what it's worth? I think you're already in love with her. Have been since high school."