“We’re not going far,” Sam told her. The others stood, and Mike followed Elliott out onto the porch and around the corner to another door. Inside, it was a long space but not that big, with chairs and a fireplace at one end, a bar at the other, and another door.
Sam turned left and headed through two more doors.
“Hit the lights, Ant,” Elliott called out.
Anthony went to the wall and flipped a couple of switches. “Ta-daaa!”
Mike was standing in what looked like a theater. There was a stage at one end, framed by red velvet curtains, spotlights aimed at them. The rest of the space was bare, just wooden floorboards, and windows along one side, covered with more red velvet. Pillars stood at intervals.
“The good times we’ve had in here,” Elliottmurmured.
“Carnival drag bingo, drag brunches, shows…” Sam glanced around, sorrow etched across his face.
Mike’s stomach growled, and Anthony frowned. “I have the manners of a jackass. Of course you’re hungry. It’s dinner time. I’ll go rustle up some food.” He hurried back the way they’d come.
“While he’s doing that, why don’t we help you move all your stuff from the truck? We can stow it all in here for the moment,” Sam suggested. He cocked an ear. “I think the rain’s stopped, so if we move quickly, we can get it done before it starts up again.” He grinned. “And it will.”
“Where’s he gonna sleep?” Jim demanded. “The only rooms made up are ours.”
Sam smiled. “He can have Nick’s room. I think that’s only right, don’t you?”
Mike liked the sound of that.
“And what about his bestie?” Elliott asked.
Ashley gave Mike a beseeching glance. “Can I share your room tonight?”
“There’s only one bed,” Jim remonstrated.
Her eyes twinkled. “Duh. Like we haven’t shared a bed before.”
Mike knew where she was coming from. Ashley’s life was as upside down as his, and she wanted a little stability.
“Sure.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ll sort you out a room tomorrow.”
Everything was still up in the air, nothing was settled, and he still had a whole heap of questions.
They can wait until after we’ve eaten.
One thing was certain. The four squatters were definitelynotwhat he’d expected. And as much as he hated to admit it, he liked them.
“My compliments to the chef.” Mike felt a damn sight better with hot food inside him.
Anthony snorted. “It was only soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.” He glanced at the others. “I don’t know about you guys, but I could use a drink.”
Jim laughed. “Is there any booze left? BecauseIsure as hell didn’t buy anymore at the store. No money for luxuries like alcohol.”
Mike smiled. “I happen to have a bottle of whiskey. My dad gave it to me before we left Boston. Hasn’t even been opened yet.”
Sam grinned. “Well, hell-oothere, new best friend.”
He laughed. “Then you’d better bring some glasses.”
“I’m on it.” Sam was out of there in a heartbeat.
Mike stood. “I’ll go fetch the bottle. It’s still in the truck.” It had completely slipped his mind.
“I’ll get it.” Ashley held her hand out for the keys, and Mike fished them from his pockets. As soon as she closed the door behind her, Anthony gave him an inquiring glance.