He laughs confidently. “Eight, actually. But there’s an opportunity to expand, so we’re taking it.”
The pride in his voice is both annoying and inspiring. I know what it’s like to be passionate about something, just like I am about my blog. The feeling of knowing my advice reaches people across the world is something I treasure.
“Well, you should get going; the drive to the city is pretty long,” I suggest, taking a sip of my Coke.
“I’m leaving soon, just waiting for Aaron and my driver,” he says, not looking at me. “I have a helicopter waiting just outside…”
Before he can finish, I choke on my drink, bursting into a coughing frenzy.
“For heaven’s sake, Ollie, be more careful,” he groans, taking the can from my hand and patting my back gently.
I knock his hand away. “You just said you have a helicopter like it’s a washing machine everyone owns, Elliot. Who even are you?” My surprise at how much money he has still lingers.
“I’m Elliot Sharp. Not the overhyped CEO the magazines paint me to be. I’m a pain in your neck, and that’s all you need to know, beautiful,” he says with a wink.
“Get away from me, psycho,” I snap, grabbing my drink back just as another car pulls up with two chauffeurs and Aaron.
Great, now he has an entourage. Aaron grins widely, and Elliot growls at him before they exchange some unspoken signals.
“I’m out of here. See you tomorrow evening,” I say, but Elliot pulls me back.
“Aaron will take you home,” he says, cutting me off before I can protest.
“No, I’d rather drive myself—”
“Aaron, please take her home while the others sort out the cars,” he says, his voice final, and I’m left with no choice but to follow Aaron into the car.
As we drive off, I blurt out the first question that comes to mind. “Is he like this with everyone?”
Aaron laughs. “You mean charming to women? No, he only does this with you. So, he must find you pretty interesting.”
“What did you just say?” I stammer, sure I’ve misheard him.
“He finds you interesting. It’s amusing how you two are the only ones blind to the obvious tension between you,” Aaron repeats, and my brain stumbles over his words.
Now, his words paint vivid pictures—Elliot’s smile, his unexpected gentleness, and Aaron’s comment:Elliot Sharp finds me interesting.
Should I be happy, or should I run away? My mind already knows the answer—run as fast as I can.
Chapter twelve
My blood hums with rage, a sensation that pulses through me like an electric current. As I scan the dining area, the soft glow of candles flickering across the hall, I feel my head begin to spin. This wasn’t part of the plan. It wasn’t in the slides Emma showed us yesterday. If I had known, I would have protested. This... this is beyond ridiculous.
“What is all this, Aaron?” I ask, my voice barely controlled as I look at the extravagant decorations and watch the servers arrange the plates, their movements hurried.
Aaron shrugs, uncomfortable under my scrutiny. “Well, the event planner and Olivia came in, said they had some last-minute changes to make.”
“Ollie? You’re saying Ollie did this?” The anger sears through me as it becomes clear. Aaron stares at me cautiously, the weight of my frustration settling between us.
“Calm down, man. I said Ollie and some people,” he clarifies, but it’s too late. I don’t care what else he has to say.
This hasOllie’sfingerprints all over it. It explains everything—why she was so jittery when I walked into Emma’s officeyesterday, why she had that look on her face, like she was waiting for something to blow up. They’d been plotting behind my back, knowing I would oppose this, not out of spite, but because it's a stupid, reckless idea.
I scan the room, searching for her. My gaze lands on Emma, and as soon as she sees me heading in her direction, she takes a quick step back.
“What is the meaning of this, Em?” I bark, not bothering to mask the fury in my voice. “Why didn’t anyone inform me about this?”