Daniel plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, kiddo. You're the best sister ever."

As he heads for the door, I call out, stopping him just as his fingers wrap around the knob. "Hey, Dee—between me and Elliot, who do you love more?"

His face scrunches like I’ve just hit him with an SAT question. With a dramatic sigh of defeat, he mumbles, "Well, I love Julia," and rushes out of the room.

"I knew it! You love Elliot more. Loser!" I shout after him, still smiling.

With Daniel gone, I survey my bedroom. It’s a total disaster—clothes and books strewn everywhere, just like my thoughts. I’m no better, really, considering I’ve been wearing the same purple joggers and socks for two days straight. But in my defense, Ihaveshowered, and at least I don’t have coffee stains like Daniel.

As I start picking up books, my gaze lands on one I’d almost forgotten about. My fingers trail over the dusted cover:Sleeping Beauty. I don’t need to open it to remember the ending—a prince wakes the sleeping beauty with a kiss, and they live happily ever after.

Every little girl grows up knowing that story, dreaming of their own prince. But now, staring at the book, I wonder if Elliot is right about me being delusional. I mean, falling in love after one kiss? It sounds ridiculous, right?

Still, I know love exists—maybe not the fairy tale version, but real love, like Daniel and Julia's. They went from awkward fifteen-year-olds in book club to walking down the aisle in just a few weeks. Maybe Elliot’s right that it’s stupid or unrealistic, but that’s the thing about love—it happens in the most unexpected ways, and often with the people we least expect.

I keep tidying up, hoping to finish in time for a quick walk. But by the time I’ve showered, the sun has already set, leaving a soft, dim glow in the sky. I slip into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, deciding that a walk to the beach is just what I need, even if it means risking an encounter with Elliot.

As I tiptoe down the stairs, I spot Daniel and Julia snuggled together on the couch, fast asleep with the TV still on. Smiling to myself, I quietly slip out the door. The cool breeze greets me, andI’m grateful for the hoodie. The salty scent of the ocean fills the air as I walk toward the beach, passing a few townies out walking their dogs.

This could be the inspiration I need for a new blog post. Writing has been tough ever since the fight with Elliot—I blame my fragile heart for letting his words sting so deeply. But tonight, under the bright moon, with the waves crashing against the rocks, there’s a sense of peace that settles over me.

"This is it, Ollie," I whisper to myself as music plays softly through my Air Pods. "This calmness... this is the kind of life you want."

I finally understand why some people never leave Honey Grove, why Daniel is choosing to stay. This town isn't a cage—it’s home. I’d convinced myself that it was holding me back, but after years of wandering, I still found my way back here.

Of course, my thoughts drift to Elliot. He always tenses up at the mention of love. His family is a mystery, but everyone in town knows about his father leaving after an affair when Elliot was sixteen. That’s probably when he started to change.

I’d like to pretend he’s always been this cold, but he wasn’t. I remember the first time he came over, the way he smiled at me, the silly jokes, how he helped me set up my dollhouse. That smile disappeared not long after, but it was real once. Maybe it still exists somewhere beneath all that hurt, but it’s not my job to find it.

"Elliot's a jerk now," I remind myself firmly. "That’s all I need to know."

I glance at my phone and realize how much time has passed. Inspiration for a blog post still eludes me, but at least I got to enjoy the ocean. Maybe I’ll end up with a cold, too, but it was worth it.

As I turn to head back, I hear rustling from the bushes. Before I have time to panic, a small, hairy creature darts out and barrels into me, sending me tumbling into the water.

"Hold on!" I squeal, but it’s too late. I land with a splash, soaking wet.

"Maximus!" A familiar voice calls out, and I don’t even need to see his face to recognize it. Elliot Sharp.

As he rushes toward me, I clutch the excited dog to my chest. He helps me up, and Maximus shakes off the water all over both of us.

"Ollie?" Elliot asks, sounding genuinely surprised as he finally registers it’s me.

I yank my hands away from his. "Great. Just what I needed to end the night."

Elliot doesn’t say anything as he shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around me. His touch lingers for a second too long, and there’s a flicker of something in his eyes—remorse, maybe?

"Can you let go of me now?" I mutter, my voice barely steady.

"I’m not holding you," he replies, sounding confused.

I glance over my shoulder, realizing he’s already stepped away. So why do I still feel the warmth of his touch on my skin?

Chapter eight


Expect the universe—and your dog—to embarrass you when you least expect it. This definitely wasn't how I pictured things playing out, especially the part where my dog knocked the wind out of her and sent her stumbling into the water.