Excitement and nerves jangle through my body. Somehow, even though I ought to be a mess with how much emotion is warring inside my body, I’m calm.
Well. Maybe calm isn’t the right word.
I know with more conviction than I have ever felt before that this is where I want to be.
Standing in front of the door of Grandma’s house, waiting, I can hear the music playing as guests take their seats.
Beside me, Katherina keeps taking peeks of herself in the mirror. Her eyes are bright with excitement.
When we bought her bridesmaid dress, she had broken down crying. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.
Katherina turns to me, her eyes filling with tears again. “You’re beautiful, Cat.”
Next to me, Grandma chuckles. “You really are.”
Heat rushes to my cheeks but I smile all the same. The dress is nothing fancy. It’s loose and flowy… and it makes me feel like a mermaid-fairy princess.
My hair is clasped with silver shells. My bouquet is roses from Grandma’s garden.
“I’m so happy that you and George found your way back to each other,” Grandma says, fixing my short veil around my shoulders. She hugs me lightly.
I turn, hugging her fully. Tears fill my eyes, but I fight them. I don’t want to ruin my mascara.
“Thank you, Grandma. For always being there for me.”
“Oh, it’s time,” Katherina squeals. She grabs the door handle and looks to me for confirmation.
I laugh and nod at her.
She opens the door and steps out. She walks with a somber step that makes me smile.
Just a couple months ago, she was walking across the stage for her high school graduation. Katherina has decided on a gap year rather than jumping right into college. She’ll be working full-time for George.
Grandma loops her arm through mine. We start walking down the aisle together.
Our guests beam at us as we pass. Several people whisper to each other, tears in their eyes.
I barely see them.
George stands at the end of the aisle, wearing a black suit. He’s under an arch of greenery, and the smile on his face has his dimples in full force.
I nearly melt away just looking at him.
He’s handsome all the time, but the effect of his figure against the blue sky and rolling ocean is so beautiful it makes me want to weep.
The old feelings, that I’m not worthy of his love, have long gone dormant.
Day by day, George has shone his love like a light on me. He’s shown me just how much light I have to share all on my own.
When I think about the course of events that brought us to this point, it makes me want to weep.
Any misstep along the way could have changed our destination.