“I don’t know. I guess I haven’t officially accepted the job… come to think of it,” she frowns, “the boss hasn’t officially made me an offer, either. Huh. That’s my bad. I just assumed.”

“But you had a call,” I say, confused. “They offered it to you.”

Catherine peeks up at me through her lashes. An impish grin appears on her lips.

The effect is intense. It takes my breath away.

“You are so beautiful,” I blurt.

“Thanks. But I assure you I have many other qualities. I’m highly experienced in my field and I’m willing to relocate to Sandburrow permanently.”

I laugh. “You sound like—Oh!”

Catherine bites her lip, a motion that instantly has my pulse racing.

“You mean… you want to work with me? Even though you have that glamorous job offer?” I gape at her, uncertain I’m understanding correctly.

“I do. If the job is still open. If you’ve found someone else—”

“But they can pay you more.”

Catherine shakes her head. “Actually, I looked at your position again. They’re only offering five thousand more a year. Which, yeah, is a lot but when I crunched the numbers on expectations for actual hours, you pay more.”

“I see. But I can’t offer you any sort of progression.” I shake my head at myself. “It’s not that I don’t want you to work for me. I’m thrilled that you do. I just don’t want to take you away from something better.”

Catherine cups my face, her fingers still cool. “George, youareoffering me progression. Maybe not in the sense of careers and promotions, but in terms of life. I haven’t had something in my life outside of work for too long.”

Warmth sweeps through me. Outside, the heavy rain has tapered off. The thunder and lightning have grown distant once more.

With the flames crackling lightly and the sense of connection swelling between us, I take her hands in mine.

A long, slow kiss follows. She leans into me, sighing.

I pull her closer. I can’t get enough of her. She’s sweet and warm and heavenly.

With her in my arms, I can’t think of my life without her. The words start to bubble up, but I hold back.

It’s too soon.

“I love you,” Catherine moans into my mouth. “So much.”

“I love you, too.”

We break apart, grinning at each other.

Aw, heck! Who says it’s too early?

“Catherine, will you marry me? For real, and not just pretend?”

Catherine’s eyes widen. “I…”

I let my fingers drift over her cheek. “You are an amazing woman. You’re smart, funny, and full of compassion.”

She lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m not sure about that.”

“I am. Look at you and Katherina. All you were seeing was the years of resentment toward June that leaked over. But you know what I saw? I saw a sister who loved her little sister, who did her best to be there for Katherina, even when she felt like she wasn’t good enough.”

Tears spill over her cheeks. I wipe them carefully. Catherine leans into my hand, laughing and crying all at once.