But I was a dumb kid who took our rivalry too far.
I understand why she would doubt my sincerity now.
With a sigh, I pull up the book on the library app I’ve been reading. I try to settle into the story to distract myself, but my thoughts will not stay silent.
The past has run its course, so now my mind fixates on Lynn’s suggestion to me. Tell Catherine again that I love her. Would it really be that easy?
I try to picture the scenario where I’d tell her once more that I love her.
All I can imagine is the look on her face after I said it the first time.
A notification pops up on my phone.
Ah! A welcome escape from my internal carousal.
I tap the notification. It’s an email, stating I’ve received a new application on the job posting. I’m pleased with how many prospective employees have reached out already.
I open the application and drop my phone.
Yeah, it’s not the most gracious thing I’ve ever done.
I snatch it back up, sitting on the edge of my camping cot as I double-check the name attached.
Catherine Hart.
Someone’s pretending to be her. That must be it. Somebody is using her credentials and pretending to be her to get a job.
They think I’m a small-town dunce who can easily be fooled.
Only nope, that’s Catherine’s actual number on the resume.
I sit there, stunned.
Did she apply by accident?
Or is this her way of asking me to talk?
Her way of saying she wants to stay…?
My heart starts racing like a puppy dog’s tail as I stand, pacing around the room.
It’s late, nearing midnight. Catherine’s application had come through only a few minutes ago, though.
Is it too late to call her?
I hesitate, but I can’t hold back. It’s far too easy to let myself fall into the trap of overthinking and doubting myself.
I call her, hoping that I don’t wake her.
She answers quickly. “George? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. I just got… well, I got your application. Did you mean to send it?”
Bed springs creak from the other side of the phone. I wince.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. Sorry. We can talk tomorrow,” I say quickly.