What I would give to share this with my sweet human one day, the steam from the bath curling the purple strands around her face as she rode me until we flooded the entire room, her skin rosy from the warmth and the fucking.
But how will we ever get there if I don’t get my head out of my arse whenever she’s around?
With a deep sigh, I relaxed back into the warm water, my head now clear and focused. When I emerged from the pool two hours later, with my scales smooth and gleaming in the dancing candlelight, I knew exactly what to do.
Feeling the satin sheets’ soft whisper against my scales was another upside of beingthis, and I fell asleep with hope in my heart.
Chapter Five
“Stuart?” I shouted as I burst into the kitchen the next morning, my robe trailing behind me as I hurried to put the plan into motion.
What if someone else has the same idea and gets there ahead of me?
“Master Taran?”
“Didn’t I tell you not to call me ‘master’?” I grumbled, grabbing two mugs and pouring us each a coffee.
“Old habitsdie hard.” My butler winked, accepting the steaming hot drink from me. “You called?”
“Yes, I have a favour to ask,” I told him over my shoulder as I added some milk to mine. Maeve insisted coffee tasted better this way and I’d let her convert me.
“Anything. I’m here to serve you.”
Leaning against the marble counter, I pondered him while sipping my coffee. “To serve my mother,” I corrected.
Stuart had entered into a heart bond with Kalon. It kept him tethered to life while she lived, and made him age way slower than normal. While he might look in his mid-fifties, he was hundreds of years old and at least half a Dragon at this point.
He threw me a wink. “Technicalities.” After my mother had left, he hadn’t wanted to be released from his duties and had stayed with me. I could never repay him.
“I need you to book an appointment with Carson for me, preferably today.”
“Carson? Are we expanding our real estate portfolio?”
“I certainly hope so.” I started explaining what Maeve had told me, and the plan I had come up with in the bath yesterday.
Just an hour later, I had a lunch meeting with Samuel Carson, the CEO of Frostfire Real Estate, on my calendar. I was a little ashamed of how proud I felt that he had dropped everything to see me, even though we hadn’t spoken in ages.
Frostfire Real Estate was one of the companies my parents had founded. ‘Frost’ for my mother, ‘fire’ for my dad.
Samuel Carson, a Frost Demon, had taken control of the management many years ago and had made it one of the most successful real estate agencies in the country.
The last I had heard from him had been a thank-you card in response to a gift I had sent for his wedding. It was high time to catch up with him.
My wardrobe, at least, was ready for this occasion. A vast array of suits and dress shirts in different colours, patterns, and materials awaited me.
I decided on a perfectly fitted black cotton shirt and boxers, socks, and trousers in the same colour. Then came the corset. I owned as many as I owned suits.
I slipped the dark purple piece over my head and laced it, feeling a sense of security and calm with the tight fit against my ribs.
Lastly, I put on a sleek black jacket to complete my outfit. I nodded at myself in the mirror.
You look capable and in control. You’ve got this.
Excitement welled up in me as I walked up the driveway.
Stuart waited by the car, which gleamed in the sunlight. As per usual, his white shirt was perfectly starched, his vest and trousers pressed, and his shoes polished to a high shine, reminding me of the old days when Kalon Atax still ruled this castle.