“I know it sucks to see them like this,” he huffed. “He is okay, I promise. Bo is tough.”
I knew he was, but bloody hell. Seeing him getting hurt sucked big time.
With under ten minutes on the clock, things got more heated now. The Gators’ centre got another goal past Martin, but Nate scored a second time with a minute fifteen seconds to go.
Vee yelled so loudly that Nate noticed even over the absolute raucous the crowd made. He threw his fiancé a dazzling smile.Goodness, he’s stunning.No wonder Vee was head over heels for him.
Nate had nothing on my glorious Troll, though. When the buzzer sounded and Bo took off his helmet, his long hair dark with sweat, all I wanted to do was get on my knees for that beautiful man. Bathe in his sweat and let him do anything to me…
He skated over to the exit and met my eyes. The look he gave me said he knew exactly what was on my mind. I saw him swallow hard, before one corner of his mouth lifted in a smile that had me fidget in my seat.
“They won’t be out in under half an hour. They have to do some PR stuff, shower, change,” Vee explained. He clearly hadn’t noticed Bo and me eye-fucking each other. “We can stay here for a bit longer, let the crowd mill out, then we’ll meet them by the back door.”
I eventually followed him down some stairs and into the tunnel the team had taken. A handful of people were hanging around, and Arne came over to meet us. With his dark stubble and the dark blue eyes, a dark grey functional shirt plastered to his bulging muscles, the team captain looked like a model.
Damn, I had forgotten how unfairly attractive so many of them were.
He clasped my hand in both of his, wringing it. “Oliver, it’s great to see you again.”
“And you, Arne. How are you?”
“Great!” He grinned widely. “I’m so proud of my team.”What a daddy…
“Ah, here they come.”
I looked around in time to see an enormous green man stride in my direction, before I was enveloped in a tight hug. He smelled like shower gel, wet hair, and…the way the forest smelled after a warm rain shower. I would have recognised his scent anywhere.
“I promised we would win this game,” he whispered in my ear.
“You were amazing.” I bumped my nose into his cheek. “Is your lip okay?”
Bo hummed, searching for my mouth so he could kiss me. “You can inspect it later,älskling.”
“Damn, aren’t you two the cutest?” I didn’t even need to see Nate’s face to know he was grinning widely at us from where Vee had him tucked to his side.
“Oh, I don’t know about me, Decks. Ollie is, though,” Bo murmured without backing away.
My face heated, and I hid it in Bo’s neck. “Stop it, you’re making me blush.”
“Never.” Bo slipped his arm around my shoulders. “Are we ready?”
“Yeah, Martin isn’t coming. He has a date,” Arne informed us, trying his hardest not to show any sign of amusement.
“Well, let’s go. I need a beer,” Nikolai huffed. “That was a tough game. Chase fucking Harper.”
It was a short walk to what Bo told me was their favourite bar. Vee tried to explain what the bar’s name meant but failed rather spectacularly.
Not that it mattered. Bo pulled up a chair for me, settled his bulk in the one next to me, and draped his arm across the back of mine. Everything was better than I could ever have imagined.
“You’re wearing my hoodie?” he rumbled when I’d taken off my jacket, a hot smirk pulling at his mouth.
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay. I thought it might be cold at the rink and I didn’t bring a lot of layers.” Not that Noah hadn’t had them on his list.