“And not just your body,” I muttered. “Everything.”
Bo bent down to rub his nose over mine. “Everything. Come on, let’s get cleaned up and ready for bed.”
He led me out of the lift, a short way down the hall.
I took a couple of steps inside the apartment and placed the flowers on a console by the door.
“Wow, I love your place.” Turning on the spot, I took it all in. The open living space, the city glinting in the night, the soft glow of a few light strips placed at strategic points of the room.
I stared at the sky outside the windows, fascinated by the sight, and momentarily forgetting my sticky boxers.
Strong arms slung around my waist, wrapping me in a warm embrace. “This place is a lot better with you in it.” Bo kissed my cheek. “Are you hungry? It’s pretty late. You’ve been on the road all evening.”
“Mmm, a snack would be great, actually.” Leaning back into his body, I sighed.
“Here is me being a good boy and not asking you if I’d suffice.” He pressed his lips on my temple. “How about I make you a sandwich while you take a shower?”
“Great idea. I really want to shower with you, but maybe we can fit that in tomorrow morning.” Bo’s wet naked body, his hair plastered to his skin and his dimples, his dick big and hard digging into my stomach… Bo on the shower floor with me bent over so he could eat my ass… Damn it, he’d kept me up at night.
“I promise you all the showers. Five times a day if you want.” He turned me around in his arms, his fingers mapping my face as he kissed me on the lips. “And you can tell me everything you want to do with me in the shower, okay? I could practically hear you thinking about it,” he added at the curious look that must have shown on my face.
“It’s been on my mind a lot lately, showering with you.” Bo sighed. “Go. The bathroom is the second on the right. I’ll take care of your food. And take whatever you need. My home is your home,älskling.”
Thank goodness he was still holding me up, or I’d have swooned at his words like a Victorian lady.
“See you in a few minutes.”
“Yes, you will.” A wide smile spread across his face, making him shine even brighter.
In the bathroom, I stripped my clothes, putting them directly in the washing machine, located a towel and stepped into the shower.
I took my time, rinsing the dust of the road off my body, making extra sure I was squeaky clean inside and out.
Bo waited for me at the counter of his kitchen, his vast frame draped on one of the sturdy bar stools. Ignoring the food, I made a beeline straight up to him, stepping between his knees and pulling him down for a kiss.
By the time we broke apart, both of us were thoroughly out of breath and grinning sheepishly at each other. I’d been starving; it was good to know the feeling was mutual.
He stuck his nose in my neck, inhaling deeply.
“I used your products. I hope that’s okay,” I huffed at his breath tickling my skin.
“Mmm, more than okay. You smell like me.” A low growl rumbled in his chest. “You need to eat your food before I take you to bed. Please,” he rasped, running his nose up to my ear and rubbing his cheek against my hair.
“Yeah.” I nodded and climbed into the chair. We’d spent an intense time with each other, but never had we been able to just be together. Except for that one blissful day in Port Cillean, it had always been forbidden, hushed, and in secret.
As much as I preferred not having to worry about what would happen if anyone found out, stepping into his life here as if I belonged felt odd.
Bo waited until I finished the cheese and pickle sandwich he’d made for me, then took my hand in his. Bringing it to his lips, he kissed it. “Thank you for coming here.”
His beard was soft under my palm when I cupped his cheek.
“I feel stupid for wanting to tell you again how much I missed you. Shouldn’t there be a hundred other things I had to say?”
With a half smile, he got up from his chair to hug me. “We’ll find something else to talk about later,” he mumbled in my ear. “It’s just so surreal that we’re together right now, isn’t it? Having to leave you behind hurt so much, and… I don’t know.” He hesitated. “It’s like I have to say it out loud a few times until it doesn’t hurt anymore? Does that make sense at all?”
“God, it was the fucking worst when you left. I’m here, darling, and I’m not going anywhere tonight or tomorrow or even the day after that.”
When he cradled my head in his hands and pulled back to look at me with a wide, watery smile.