“I thought it was blindingly obvious that I love you. I want to be with you, Oliver Bright. Tell me you move in today and I’ll be the happiest man on earth.”
For a long moment, I got lost in his eyes, unable to find words to say.
“I can’t. Not yet. But…”
“Maybe soon,” he murmured, a sad smile on his face as he leaned in and kissed me gently.
He doesn’t believe me.
“Soon,” I affirmed, hoping he would hear that I was serious.
Careful hope started growing in my chest, and once it had taken roots in my chest, it was impossible to get rid of it.
Eventually, we got up and took a shower together, making out under the warm water until it turned cold. Then we stripped the bed so we wouldn’t have to sleep in a dried puddle of cum all night.
“Sleep tight, darling,” Ollie whispered into my neck when I finally cradled him in my arms.
“Godnatt, mitt hjärta. Sweet dreams.” With one last kiss on his brow, we drifted off to sleep.
Jerke had a surprise in store for us when I arrived at the rink the next morning.
“Good morning, men. I hope you didn’t forget about the autumn fair. I’ll meet you at the rear entrance to the tent at ten to seven.”
“Sharp,” Decks mouthed.
Fuck. I’d completely forgotten about the Veitsreuth autumn fair. The brewery that organised the annual feast was one of our biggest sponsors, so taking part in the opening celebrations was mandatory for all team members. I knew this, and yet, with Ollie here, it had slipped my mind.
Knowing that Ollie would still be there when I returned from training, was the only thing that kept me going through my drills and the time at the gym. Back at home, Ollie stood up as soon as he set eyes on me. “Darling? What’s wrong?” He slipped his arms around my waist and got up on tiptoes to kiss me.
“We’re having an official function,” I blurted out. “Tonight. I fucking forgot and I’m sorry, älskling. It’s our last day, and I know you wanted to spend that with me.”Rambling again, Bo?
I hung my head, so fucking disappointed in myself for deleting this from my brain.
My perfect mate squeezed me tighter. “It’s okay, darling. Don’t beat yourself up. I’ll be right here waiting for you to get back,” he muttered into my pecs. “It’s all good, as long as I can fall asleep in your arms.”
“There’s no way I’m leaving you here alone. I plan on showing off my hot mate.” Bringing my hands to his ass, I started massaging him.
Gods, his moans.
Unable to hold back, always restless and so hungry for him, I hastily slicked my fingers in my mouth, then slid inside his trousers and underwear.
Ollie gave a high-pitched squeak when I brushed his hole, tensing under my touch, but only for a heartbeat. I loved how he said my name when I had two fingers in his tight body; breathy, desperate, lost.
“I’ll make you cream your little knickers,” I rasped in his ear, delving deeper until he bucked under my touch, uttering a sound like an animal.
“Oh God, Bo, stop talking like that.” He shuddered when I kept my fingers glued to his prostate, urging him to higher heights.
“Or what?”
“Or, fuck! I’m so close, baby.” Ollie buried his face in my neck, breathing me in and giving me access to his bare neck. I ran my nose over his skin, before I sank my teeth into his soft flesh.Let me see you fall, my love.
He whimpered my name again, his muscles already clenching around my fingers, and I knew he’d just come in his boxer briefs.