Page 49 of Glory Troll

“I have a surprise for you,” he rasped, moving into the middle of the room.

“Oh Gosh, I hope it’s sex,” I groaned, loving to see him grin at my dumb joke.

Then Bo dropped his trousers, smirking at me, and suddenly all his blushing made sense.

“Do you like it?” His cheeks flushed beautifully.

Fuck me.

I walked across the bedroom to where he stood, drinking him in and desperate to see all of him in that bloody black jockstrap.

“Oh God, Bo.” I let my fingers whisper over his skin as I slowly rounded my gorgeous man. The sight of him made my mouth water. “Do Ilikeit?” I murmured against his spine, flicking a vertebra with my tongue. “I don’t think ‘like’ is even remotely adequate to describe how I feel about you in this.”

He exhaled a shuddering breath and groaned when my hand slid around his waist to grip his cock. “Did you think I was going to hate it? Poor baby,” I crooned, giving him a slow stroke before freeing him from the fabric cup.

“I was hoping you’d—fuck!” Bo shook like a tree in high wind.

“Yes?” Swiping my thumb over his head again, I prompted him to go on.

“Ollie, please.” He panted and shook in his foundations, his cock jerking in my grip.

“What do you need, darling? Tell me.”

“Please fuck me. Please.”



He froze, his fingers momentarily squeezing my dick so tightly it was bordering on painful.

“I have never topped,” Ollie breathed against my back, making goosebumps erupt all over my skin. His apprehension was tangible in the sliver of air between our bodies. “For all I know, I suck at it. Don’t say it,” he giggled, pressing his face between the strands of muscle running down on either side of my spine.

“What was I about to say?” I gasped when he gave me another slow stroke, his thumb teasing my head in a way that made my knees go weak.

“Something about my ability to suckonit.”

“Mmm,” I hummed, remembering how good he was with his tongue and how beautiful it felt when I was buried in his wet, hot mouth. “Youaregreat at it. And it’s okay, älskling. You don’t have to—”

“I know I don’t.” Ollie’s other arm came around and he hugged himself to me. “But I want to.”



The moment Bo got on his hands and knees for me, all my doubts evaporated.

“Ollie, please,” he begged, as if I’d needed any more encouragement and wasn’t bloodydesperateto be in him.

“Kneel on the bed for me, darling.”

I dropped my trousers and took off the thin jumper until I stood there in only my boxer-briefs, with my cock tenting the soft jersey fabric and drenching a spot in my precum.

It rubbed over my cockhead with every tiny movement, making me even hornier. Grabbing the lube from the bedsidetable was so familiar by now I could have cried with happiness. The slide of the drawer made Bo shiver with anticipation.

Fuck yes. My beautiful man.

I prepared him, slowly, perhaps a little teasingly for me, loving every second of the enormous man trembling under my touch, of his hands fisting the sheets, his strong back arching to give me better access to his hole.