“Keep it, älskling.”
The guys treated us to a bit of a rundown of the game, which gave Nate ample opportunity to collect praise from his adoring fiancé, and me to enquire about my love’s face again.
“It’s nothing, Ollie, I promise,” he assured me in a soothing voice, then shrugged. “You should get used to me getting hurt. It happens.”
“I hate it,” I told him honestly, knowing that even if I learned how to deal, I would never be okay with it.
“You are so cute.” Bo scrunched his face and pecked me on the nose.
“The two of you are.” Arne grinned from next to us. “And apparently great at hiding shit. None of us noticed anything. I take it this between you started when we were at training camp?”
My sweet Troll blushed rather beautifully at this.
As great as it was to hang out with the guys, I was getting a little restless. This was our second night together, and we had spent more than half the day apart from each other.
“Is everything all right, älskling?” Bo asked, as if he’d read my mind.
“Yes, it’s just been a long and exciting day.”
“Is it okay if we stay, or would you like to leave now?”
“No, let’s stay for a while. Just stay close to me,” I mumbled, resting my head briefly against his shoulder. God, he was so solid and warm and smelled so fucking great.
He turned his head and nuzzled his nose into my cheek. “I’ll stay for as long as you let me, Oliver,” he whispered, then brushed a kiss on my skin.
Forever then, that’s fine with me.
I didn’t quite catch what Nate said next, but looking up, I noticed Bo was turning pink in the face. It looked so bloody cute with his green skin, but maybe it was a trick of the light, but he looked a little out of it. Slightly glassy eyed and…odd.
“What’s wrong, darling?” I muttered. “You look like you’re running a bit of a temp.” Pressing my palm on his red cheeks, I checked for any signs of a fever.Is he getting sick?
I was already making emergency plans in my head. I’d let Fitz know I couldn’t get back, but would stay with Bo. There was no way I’d let him alone when he was ill.
“It’s all good. I feel great, Ollie. Really fucking great.” Bo brought his mouth to my ear. “I’m so horny right now, I could devour you right here.” Under the table, his hand found my thigh. Way too high up, considering the fact that we were in public.
“Bo!” I gasped, squirming on my chair when he gave me a firm squeeze.
He hummed, massaging my leg for a moment before he let go again. “Would you like another drink, or shall we get going?”
“Oh, I could do with one more shandy.”
Bo seized the opportunity and waved at the server who had just walked past our table closer. “Ein Radler, bitte. Und ein Bier für mich.”
“I didn’t know you spoke German.”
“I can order my man a drink. That’s pretty much all I know.” He waved me off modestly, but now it was me who leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Call me that again and I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Bo barely waited until I had emptied my glass.
“Let’s go home. Now.” His face was set, eyes burning with lust dropping heavily to my lips when I licked them.
We both got up at the same time and with the same thing on our minds.
“We’re heading home,” Bo informed them, helping me into my jacket before throwing his arm around my shoulders.
We didn’t bother calling a cab but walked through the crisp late autumn night, meeting nobody, and occasionally stopping to snog.
By the time we arrived in his apartment, we were both riled up and so hungry we barely made it into the bedroom.