Page 33 of Glory Troll

“Gods, Ollie.” I gave myself a firm stroke through my gym shorts, groaning as my head dropped back on the cushion. Only for a moment, though. There was no chance I would miss any opportunity I had to watch him. Touch himself…

“I want to see you, Bo,” he gasped as he tore off his crop top and sweatpants until all he wore was an obscenely stretched out pair of black boxer briefs.

My beautiful mate.

I tore out of my shirt and dragged my shorts down my thighs, taking my underwear off along with them.

“Goodness… How could I not remember how stunning you are, darling?” Ollie fisted his cock, squeezing so firmly it looked close to being painful.

“Don’t hurt yourself, älskling,” I reminded him, hating that I wasn’t there to help him ground himself, to use me as an outlet, not his own body.

He relaxed his hold, drawing his strokes out and letting me see him. Gods, I would never tire of seeing him.

“Get the lube from your bedside table,” I ordered, and was rewarded with another close-up, this time of his hard dick when he scrambled to obey.

Oh. Fuck. Me.

Then he was back, and lubing up, again dragging me so close to the edge I was scared I might fall.

Spitting into my hand, I stroked myself with him.

“Shit.” Ollie shivered, thighs spreading restlessly on the bed, as if he, too, was moments away from coming. “I never thought I’d like this.” With a groan, his hand sped up until he was fucking his fist like a man possessed.

“What? Video sex?” I grunted, focusing on my crown, still only holding on by a thread.

“Spitting,” he groaned, hips snapping upwards to tunnel his dick through his fist, his head tilting back.

“Oh fuckkk, baby.” The words came out on a low sobbing whine, unrecognisable, and unlike any sound coming out of my mouth ever before.

I had no hopes of holding back as I watched him come all over his hand, his stomach, and he was still moving, using his cum as lube and drawing his orgasm out as long as he could.

The sheer amount of my release always took me by surprise, yet it had no effect on my sobriety. I was mindless. A beast of the woods, driving my ridges through my fist, cum pooling on my abs and threatening to get everywhere.

Thank fuck I’d opted for a blanket on the couch. It was too good to stop, anyway.

When I managed to peel my eyes open, I found Ollie staring at me in awe, a radiant smile spreading across his face.

“What?” I asked.

“You are so beautiful, Bo. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”



First thing I did the next morning was to find Fitz in his office. He was sitting behind his gleaming mahogany desk, poring over bank statements, I thought.

Is this a bad time?

“Fitz? I need a few days off,” I blurted out when I wasn’t even halfway across the room, and before I could consider if this was the right moment. “Please,” I added when I realised how demanding I’d sounded.

He immediately put the stack of papers aside and focused his attention on me, his blood red head tilted at me. “Of course, Ollie! It’s about time you took a break. Maddie and I were gettingworried about you.” His voice softened, genuine concern lacing his words.

“You were?” I asked weakly, plopping my ass down in one of the visitor’s chairs before his desk.

“Yeah, you seemed to be a little off since the hockey team left. We thought it had been too much work…” Fitz trailed off, leaning back in his wheelchair and opening space for me.

“No.” I buried my face in my hands and groaned under my breath. “The work is still great. It’s…” I broke off, heaving a deep sigh of sorrow.