Page 32 of Glory Troll

Ollie: Don’t be sorry.

Ollie: I’m so glad you’re telling me

Ollie: I’ve been trying to convince myself that it was just a fling.

Ollie: but it hasn’t been working

Ollie: I’m not missing you any less

Ollie: If anything, it’s getting worse

Bo: For me too

Bo: And it wasn’t just a fling

Bo: Gods, Ollie…

Bo: it was everything

Ollie: you are everything

Bo: cue me crying in a car park…

Bo: Let me get home

Bo: I want to see you

I put the shopping away quickly before I texted him. I was ready to talk.

Barely twenty seconds later, he called me. Seeing Ollie’s face light up on my phone display made my heart rejoice.

“Bo, darling, shit, I miss you so fucking much,” he blurted out by way of a greeting.

He propped up his phone against something on his kitchen counter and straightened. A soft groan escaped me when I took him in.

“Oliver, are you wearing a crop top?” Oh Gods, I didn’t need to ask. My dick already knew for a fact he was in a… “Is that Pumas merchandise?”

“Yeah.” Ollie laughed, pulling the shirt down to cover more of his body. “I saw that on the website and had to have it.” His cheeks flushed. “I’ve been just the tiniest bit obsessed with your team lately. I even watched a few interviews on their KrakenVideo channel. Been trying to pick up some hockey knowledge.”

“Okay, this is too hot, Ollie. I can’t take this. I’m serious!” I fanned myself, adoring the deep crimson tinge on his cheeks and adorably flustered grin.

“I don’t think I’m getting anywhere with it, though. Hockey doesn’t make sense. To me!” he hastened to add.

“Oh, you’re definitely getting into my pants.” I threw him a cheeky smirk and angled the phone so he could see me palming my dick. “I can give you a brief introduction to stick handling if you want. It’s not that hard.” I squeezed myself.Liar.

“Oh, I don’t know, darling. Looks awfully hard from here.” He picked up his phone, giving me a closeup of his tongue, wetting his lips.

“Oh Gods, Ollie. I would give anything to feel that mouth on me right now.”

“Yeah?” A shaky breath escaped him. “Let me get comfortable and then you can tell me what you would like me to do.”

How could I tell him I wanted everything? Anything he wanted to give, I’d take.

He took me to his bedroom, where he settled down on his duvet, and leaned his phone against a pillow.

Just a few weeks ago, we fucked like animals in there.

“My bed still smells of you,” he answered my silent question, burying his nose into his pillow.