As I search for the right words, he grows impatient, asking again, “Do you feel better prepared for when our time comes?”
See? I’m not alone in this.
I adjust my position on the bench, angling my body toward his. As my gaze caresses his handsome face, I let my smile answer for me.
He reads my message as if I’ve handed him a printed note.
Yes, I’m ready. We’re gonna be fine.
All three of us.
Leo lowers his face to mine, joining our lips for a tender kiss. The familiar roughness of his beard contrasts beautifully with his pillowy lips. One of my hands covers his where it rests over our baby.
Tendrils of hope curl around our intertwined fingers. The love we already have for our son will continue to grow and bloom, mingling with the love we have for each other.
“Ahem,” a deep voice cuts through my love fog.
Leo and I break the kiss, glancing toward the source of the sound while keeping within an inch of each other.
It’s Sawyer.
He’s screwed his face into something resembling a grim expression. “I’m gonna need you two to keep it PG around the babies.”
“Oh, hush up, you.” Madeline, who just settled the newborn baby girl on Sammy’s chest, waves Sawyer off with a flick of her wrist. “These little darlings need to soak in love. Let them see healthy examples of a relationship as often as possible. That way, when they’re old enough to fall in love, they know exactly what it looks like.”
Sammy rolls her eyes. “Mom, they can barely see a foot in front of their adorable faces. What Sue and Leo are doing on the other side of the room doesn’t matter one way or another.”
“Ignore them,” Madeline tells us. “Be kissy-kissy and lovey-dovey all you want. We have two precious new souls to surround in love and joy.”
“Is she gonna be like this with us?” I ask Leo, my voice so quiet only he can hear me. “All optimistic and cheery like?”
“This is a full-service spoiler for you, angel.”
My barking laugh must startle the baby girl in Sammy’s arms. Little Laci Sawyer—named after the hero nurse—breaks out in a scratchy wail.
I watch to see how Sammy handles the situation, mentally taking more notes for later analysis.Her face pinches as she shuffles the pink bundle from one arm to the other. She tries cooing and talking quietly to her, but it doesn’t work. Laci just cries louder.
Sawyer looks on, both of his brows arched with a hint of concern. He’s holding his son gently against his chest while bouncing side to side. Sawyer’s a natural.
Madeline hovers non-threateningly over Sammy. “Do you want to feed her? It may calm her down.”
Sammy gulps, meeting her mother’s question with wide, worried eyes. “It’s not too soon to try again?”
Huh. Sammy’s unsure?
Madeline beams at her daughter, then down at her grandbaby. “Not at all, dear.”
Sammy nods, asking, “Can you help me get her latched on, or should we call the nurse back in?”
“I can help you.”
I watch the exchange with rapt fascination. All along, I’ve been assuming Sammy wasn’t going to need guidance as a mother. No clue why I thought that, considering she’s only been a mother for an hour.
Knowing Sammy’s a tad unsettled as a new mother causes my shoulders to sag with relief. A soft puff of air leaves me.
“That’s my cue to step out,” Leo announces, rising smoothly. “I’ll tell the gang they can start rotating in to meet the babies in a few minutes, so you’ll have time to feed them first.”