Joe yanks open the door and quickly escorts Lilliana inside.I’m about to get out of the limo when a hand reaches in to assist me.It’s Alessio.I take his hand, and he helps me out and walks me up the dozen stone steps that lead to the church entrance.
“You look beautiful,” he says.I’m expecting the next words out of his mouth to be a warning.I haven’t been Alessio’s favorite person.Not that I blame him.I did bring trouble to his doorstep.“I have a surprise for you.”He nods toward the hallway to the side, and out walks Barry in a full tux, his hair cut.He’s clean-shaven and looks utterly handsome.
Stunned, I glance up at Alessio.“Thank you.Thank you so much.But why?I thought you hated me.”
“Weddings are about bringing families together.You have none from your past except the man who would have died to keep you hidden.Joe told me about this morning, and I think that your father, Barry, should be present.We’ll both be giving you away.You’re a good woman, Milana, but as a capo, my role is to take care of the family.This means that I must be sure you mean Julian orIl Destinono harm.”Alessio motions for Barry to approach.“Just like I told you, Barry.We walk her down the aisle together, and you sit with me until the end.”
Valentina and Josie file out.They’ve been watching from the wings, tears in their eyes.Josie rushes to her husband’s side.“I love you with all that I am, Alessio Cassini.”
He drops his head and kisses her sweetly.
“I could kiss you myself,” Valentina says.
“No time.The wedding is about to start,” Alessio says with a chuckle.
I hook my arm through Barry’s.He looks nervous but dapper, and I tell him so.I also tell him this is the greatest gift he could ever give me.Alessio takes his place on the other side of me, and I band my arm with his.
The music starts.Valentina is the first to go down the aisle, followed by Josie.But before Josie takes her place, she comes to fix my train, plants another kiss on her husband’s cheek, and then traipses down the aisle.
Barry holds on tight, and I whisper, “Keep your eyes on Julian.He’ll be so pleased that you changed your mind.”I give him a nervous smile, but we begin our walk.People eye us with confusion when they see Alessio and a man they don’t know walking me down to my husband-to-be.The whispering grows louder.“Who is he?”is the prominent question.I ignore them and keep my gaze fixed on the man I’m soon to call my husband.
When we reach the altar, Julian comes to meet us.The priest asks, “Who gives this bride in marriage?”
Alessio and Barry answer in unison.“We do.”Alessio places my hand in Julian’s, and Barry kisses my cheek.Alessio guides Barry to his pew while Julian leads me closer to the altar.
The service is brief and simple, with the most important words being spoken by us both and finishing with our vows to love, honor, and protect one another until death do us part.I was surprised when I heard the wordprotectand notobey, but I think the change is appropriate.Our entire relationship started with me saving Julian, and we are married today because Julian saved me from a terrible fate.
“You may now kiss your bride,” the priest announces.
Julian cups my cheeks between his palms, and before lowering his mouth to mine, he whispers, “My beautiful bride.Mine at last.”All Julian’s kisses have been delicious, but this kiss is a toe-curling, warm-you-to-your-bones, make-your-legs-feel-like-jelly kiss.I forget that there’s a room full of people.My fingers cling to his lapels as his soft lips move over mine.When he lifts his head, his warm breath hovers over my skin.
“Oh my,” I murmur.
“Oh my is right.And tonight, I will teach you even more,” he murmurs in my ear.A shiver of excitement runs down my spine.The room erupts with applause, and Josie hands me back my bouquet.Julian and I make our way back up the aisle, stopping to shake hands every so often until we get to the church doors.
Normally, we’d stop and wait for our guests to give us their congratulations, but we’re moving along to the reception instead.Julian helps me into the car and gets in after me.I see Barry getting into the same vehicle as Joe, Lilliana, and Fausto.I hope he makes it to the reception, but if not, I’m pleased as punch that he was able to walk me down the aisle.Alessio is a complicated man.He’s hard and impenetrable on the outside, but there is a small piece of him that holds a warmth he rarely allows anyone to see.I truly think that’s all Josie’s influence on him.They make a wonderful match.
* * *
Milana is mine.When she appeared in her dress before me, she looked like a princess.Her smile was so wide and genuine, her happiness was beaming all over her face.And when I kissed her as my wife for the first time, I knew it was a promise of a wonderful night ahead.
However, we must first face the tedious ordeal of speeches, dances, and obligatory chitchat.I hold Milana’s hand in mine all the way to the reception.She’s quiet, but that’s understandable.It’s been a supremely hectic morning, and from what Dad’s told me, Mom was fluttering around, giving orders left and right.Milana prefers the quiet, and this short ride gives her the break she needs.
After formal pictures of family and friends, we prepare to greet our guests in our reception line.Barry opted to go home.I thought this would upset Milana, but it doesn’t seem to faze her.
“I didn’t think he would be here at all.I’m just grateful,” she replies.I hold her waist and pull her to my side, kissing the top of her head.
“Good, babe.We’ve just a few more hours to get through,” I tell her.
The guests file in one by one, leaving envelopes as their gifts, shaking hands and wishing us well.The women are cold.I can see the difference in the way they speak with Josephine and Valentina, while they don’t even meet Milana’s gaze.The longer it goes on, the angrier I become.
I’m not the only one who notices, because I can see Niccolo’s jaw tighten when one of the underbosses’ wives forgoes greeting the bride at all and steps out of line after giving her respects to Josie.It’s the first time I hear Milana’s sad sigh.Alessio told me to expect some pushback from my choice, but this is out-and-out rudeness.They should have refused the invitation and stayed the fuck home.
Niccolo catches my expression and quickly shakes his head.He knows I want to deal with this head-on, but he’s correct.This isn’t the time or place.Instead, I tighten my hold on my wife’s waist and whisper in her ear, “Smile, miele mia.They won’t beat us down.”She turns her face up to me and smiles shyly.It’s not as bright as I wish, but it’s a notable improvement.“Good girl.”
My father is the first to speak and acknowledge and thank everyone for attending.It is a typical dad speech, but he makes sure to state that he’s pleased to have Milana as part of our family.The majority of the underbosses don’t seem to care one way or another about Milana’s past.They trust our capo to make the best decision forIl Destinoand accept his ruling.But it seems that Angelo, from the blood oath ceremony, and a few of his old cronies are sitting together and openly snubbing my wife.