Page 3 of Reign of Commotion

Alessio looks to Raffaele, who seems to be finding this whole situation a nuisance.“What are your thoughts?Her father was a rat, and ultimately, she was promised toUltimo Morte.Perhaps it should be your right to pass judgment on her future, or lack thereof,” he says.

I hear a small gasp escape Milana’s lips, and I suck in a breath myself.Shit!Seeing her this scared is pissing me off.I want to jump in and protect her.When Alessio grips my shoulder, I realize I’m not hiding my emotions very well.

“She was supposed to marry a man who no longer lives.What use could she possibly be toUltimo Morte?”Raffaele says.“It would be a punishment to the man I give her to for marriage.”

“Perhaps she can work in one of your houses?”Marco suggests.I ball my hands into tightly clenched fists.The houses Marco is referring to are Raffaele’s whorehouses.They would turn Milana into a prostitute.

Raffaele turns to look Milana up and down.I don’t like it.As a matter of fact, I want to punch Raffaele right in his smug face.Milana raises her face to meet my gaze, silently pleading for me to help her.

“It’s a possibility,” Raffaele says idly as he assesses the situation to see if she’s worth the trouble.

Alessio finally speaks.“I believe you’ve agreed to let Julian have his say.”He nods to me and gives me the go-ahead.

“Milana saved my life and risked her own in doing so.She could have walked away afterward, and no one would ever have known it was her.Then today, she came to the hospital to give me this.”I pull the envelope out of my pocket.“It’s the location of the Russians involved in turning Angelo against us and the prime reason why Aris and I were targeted.Milana isn’t her father.I think her actions have shown us just how much she’s her own person.What are we punishing her for?She didn’t have a say in who her parents were.She was a pawn in her father’s game for power.He’s dead, and she’s still paying the price for his deception.”

“Let me see that,” Marco commands, holding out his hand for the envelope.Nero takes it from my hand and gives it to Marco, who reads it quickly and hands it to Raffaele to look at.“Is this accurate?”

“It was, as of four hours ago,” Milana confirms.

Marco takes back the note and shows Nero.“Take as many men as you need and make them pay for what they’ve done,” he orders.Then he looks at Reno, Alessio, and Raffaele.“Do you want a piece of this?”

“I think I’d like a bit of action,” Reno says with a sinister grin.

“I’ll come along.”Raffaele stands and smirks.“I could use a little excitement.”

Alessio stands as if he’s ready to join the others when Marco pipes up.“Alessio, I’d like to have a word.Let’s let Reno, Raffaele, and Nero take the lead on this.”

“Certainly,” Alessio responds.

“Look how nicely we’re all playing together,” Raffaele says with a hearty laugh.

“Whoever would have thought it possible for all four of our families to work together?”Reno says.


The Decision


Why do I have the feeling that what happens when Reno, Raffaele, and Nero reach their destination will impact their decision as to what to do with me?Although, my options are bleak at best.I’ll either end up dead, a prostitute, or a servant to some man they pawn me off on.

“Sit,” Alessio barks.I jump at his command, but make my way to the chair he’s pointing to.“You are no longer part ofIl Destino,”Alessio announces.“Your father severed that tie.”

Damn.I feel the cell door begin to slam shut.

“Sir, if I may,” Julian says.“What if I take responsibility for her?”He looks directly into his capo’s eyes.

“Raffaele has first rights.It may be a conversation that Alessio can have with him.”Marco lifts his brow.“If you’ll excuse me.I’m going to check on Gloria and have her bring in some food.I’m not heartless.I feed my prisoners,” he mumbles.As Marco walks out of the room, I see him give Alessio a curious glance.I have no idea what it means.A spurt of hope beats in my heart.

As soon as Marco leaves, Alessio says, “Cute outfit.”I look down at my stolen nurse’s uniform, feeling very self-conscious as I flatten the skirt over my knees.He then looks at Julian.“What are you thinking?She’s no longer family.We don’t just take urchins off the streets.Il Destinodoesn’t forgive easily.Her destiny now lies in Raffaele’s hands.Why would I risk upsetting him over a girl?”

He’s completely right.Any capo would come to the same conclusion.But I knew when I saw Julian that I couldn’t let him die.In Vegas, he was the only soldier who had a kind word for me.I’m sure he never knew I existed since he was so busy working to rise in the ranks, but even so, I knew he was kind and admired by all.I saw how they viciously attacked him.He fought back, and if it hadn’t been five on one, he would have stood a chance.I wanted to jump in and very nearly did, but when they threw him into the storage unit, I knew I had a better chance at getting him out if I could find a way to get them to move.

I waited for the bang, then the car alarms going off sent the enemy running toward their vehicles.I pulled open the doors and saw Julian on the ground.Even bloodied and dirty, he was still the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.His dark hair was matted to his scalp, caked with blood, and when he opened his dark brown eyes, they were hazy.“Angel,” he said.I’m anything but an angel.

Julian was badly hurt, and I needed to get him out quickly before those men returned.

“Put your arm around me,” I said, and practically had to drag his heavy body to safety.I was able to hide us behind a crate in the alley next to the storage yard.I called the police and told them a man was beaten and where to find him.I waited until I heard the sirens before hiding, but still watched as I saw Nero arrive with his men as soon as the police alerted him.I knew the cops would be on their payroll.I stayed put until they took Julian away.I’m used to being quiet.It’s the only way to survive on the streets.Barry taught me how to stay out of sight.He also told me to stay out of the line of fire and that the first rule on the street is to stay out of other people’s business.If you see a fight, stay the hell out of it.I’ve been doing that for years, but I couldn’t help myself with Julian.The first time I break Barry’s rule, and I’m caught.