Page 18 of Reign of Commotion

“No baby’s breath, please,” Lilliana pleads, rolling her eyes like this would be a travesty.

I giggle, and Lilliana begins to laugh.

“Get your coffee cups refilled and I’ll go check on Nico,” Josie says.“Alessio’s sisters are keeping him entertained upstairs, but I want to make sure the little devil isn’t driving those poor girls to the brink of insanity.”

“What are you saying?He’s a darling!”Valentina exclaims.

“Sure!That’s what he wants you to think.He gives those sweet smiles and snuggles in, and the first time you say no to the little bugger, he becomes the Tasmanian devil, just like in the cartoon.He’s stubborn like his father.He can be loud like his father too,” she huffs.

“He’s also handsome like his father.And he has your heart like his father,” Lilliana tells her jokingly.

“Whatever!”she teases as she tosses her hair back.She leaves us behind to chuckle at her saucy departure.

While Lilliana continues to study the screen and drink her coffee, Valentina and I take a break and sit on the sofa to talk.

“Josie’s amazing, and she’s on your side, you know?”Valentina tells me.

“She’s been very sweet.”

“Josephine didn’t have an easy start in life.Her father was a monster, and if you can believe it, her first husband was worse.She understands the ugliness that occurs in the world we live in.I do too,” Valentina says.I can’t hide my curiosity.It can’t possibly be Niccolo.I’ve seen him with his wife, and he’s so attentive to her needs.

“Are…um…you okay?”I ask.

”I am now.Niccolo helped me to find my way back to myself.”Her smile when she talks about Niccolo is endearing.It’s rare that you find the wives of Mafia men in love with their husbands.I’ve been taught from a young age that a woman’s job is to do as she’s told, and shebelongsto her husband.He owns her and can do with her as he likes.If you’re lucky, you become a trophy wife and are carted around to show off.In many cases, you’re the slave he needs to climb the Mafia ladder.It’s nice to see that Valentina is happily married and Josie is completely smitten with Alessio, even though he scares me half to death.

“I was taken, you know.My bodyguard was killed right in front of my eyes, and my friend and I were taken by a gang.They raped and killed my friend.It’s an image that I still have nightmares about.Il Destinogot me out and brought me home, but I wasn’t the same person anymore.”She closes her eyes tightly, gripping my hand.“I was so lost.”When she opens her eyes again, they’re brimming with tears threatening to fall.“I wonder, why did I survive?My family, especially Julian, tried everything, but I just couldn’t find peace.The only time I felt safe was when Niccolo was around.”

“That’s beautiful,” I whisper.

“What’s beautiful is that he gave himself to me for my peace.That’s what Julian is doing for you.”

“I’ll do everything I can to make him happy.I promise you.”

* * *


Ido the rounds with Alessio.I never get to go along with him on business.My job is to keep Josie and Nico safe.I have their security system checked and the codes changed daily.I train all the new soldiers designated to watch his home and do a full background check before they even start.I’ve even denied a few if I felt they weren’t ready for the level of responsibility of guarding the capo’s family.It doesn’t make me popular, but I don’t give a damn about that.

Today, Alessio’s been to several of the major casinos we own.The collection payments are due today, and the managers know enough not to fuck around by delaying the deed.Next up are the special meetings.We’re on our way to La Scala restaurant, where Alessio asked to have his regular room set up.

“Water, brandy, and lunch,” were his orders.When I asked for specifics, he merely smirked and said, “They know what I like.”

La Scala is one of our own.The owner, Big Frankie, has a son and two daughters.Their son currently works under my father, and Dad speaks highly of him.We park, and I step out and check out the area.While Jack, our driver, stays with Alessio, I go inside to make sure it’s safe for our capo to enter.

“Julian, I didn’t know you’d be here today,” Big Frankie says when he sees me.We call him Big Frankie because of the obvious: he’s a big man.I don’t know how he hasn’t had a heart attack the way he eats and drinks, though it would be a tragedy if he did, because he’s a great guy.I catch his eye and can sense that something’s off.

“Hey, man.Been a while,” I respond, trying to read his expression.

“Just you today?Where’s your father at?”he asks, and now I’m certain that trouble is afoot.

“He’s not here?”I pat my jacket.“Shit, forgot my phone in the car.Be right back.”I know better than to turn my back as I leave, and my father’s training has taught me well.I continue to pretend to search for my phone and catch a glimpse of the kitchen door slightly ajar, with a hand holding it open, but no face that I can make out.

As soon as I get out the door, I pull my gun from my holster to signal Jack, who jumps back inside the vehicle and takes off with Alessio.I race around to the side of the building and text frantically to Niccolo that there’s trouble at La Scala.These streets are full of our men, so I’m sure reinforcements will be here soon, but will it be soon enough to save Big Frankie and whoever is holed up in the kitchen?

I text Alessio.Going around back.

Alessio:Stay put.