Page 16 of Reign of Commotion

“Does that work for you, Marco?”Reno asks.

“Yeah, but I want to make this clear: I want first blood,” Marco says.“This happened in my territory, and I want to make sure it’s understood that they won’t bring a fight to our doorstep without paying the price.”

“You can have first blood in New York.I get first blood here.I have four men whose wives are mourning their husbands.It’s my job to let them know they didn’t die in vain,” Alessio counters.

“Let’s find out who’s responsible first.Then we can work out how to make them pay,” Raffaele suggests.

Marco and Alessio concede his point, and we put our plan in motion.

We disconnect, and Alessio looks at me.“You better tell Milana what’s happened.She needs to get all she can out of this Barry guy.”

“She will,” I assure him.

“We’re done for now,” Alessio says, ending the meeting.I turn to walk away, but hear him call my name; then he says, “Congratulations on your house.Have Milana over at our place early tomorrow.They can finish with their wedding shit, and then we can go see Barry.”His voice has softened and isn’t as terse.

“Thanks,” I say humbly.Two fucking stern lessons in a week from Alessio Cassini.There won’t be a third.

* * *


Iknew the minute he walked through the door that something was amiss.After finding our own place and chatting with Josie about the wedding, I was having the best day ever, and I mean ever!I can’t remember ever being this happy, and this is in spite of almost becoming a whore for Raffaele, being tattooed, and having a very intense blood oath ceremony.

It all started with a morning kiss and got better and better from that point on, except now, I see the frown on Julian’s face from across the room, and even though dinner is on the table and we’re ready to eat, he motions for me to come to him.

“Milana.”His tone is heavy and somber I’m not going to like what he has to say, I just know it.I set down the platter of veal parmigiana and go over to him.

“Julian—” Lilliana calls to her son, but Joe quickly grabs her hand and shakes his head, warning her to keep out of it.Valentina and Niccolo have joined us for dinner and Niccolo seizes Valentina’s hand when she tries to get up.Julian walks me to the living room and drops onto the sofa, putting his head back and looking at the ceiling.

“I haven’t done anything wrong.I swear.I haven’t left your mother’s side all afternoon,” I start, but he cuts me off by pulling me down onto his lap as he sits up.

“Quiet, babe,” he starts.I snap my mouth shut.“I gotta tell you something, and I need you to stay calm, okay?”

“Okay,” I reply quickly, wanting to get this over with.

“I got a weird feeling yesterday, so I sent Luciano fromLa Famigliato do a check on your place.My suspicions were correct.Your place was trashed.”

I gasp.“Barry?—”

He gently rubs my back in a soothing circular motion.“He was caught in it, but the good news is that Luciano found him and has been looking after him.Nero is bringing him down to us.Barry won’t speak to anyone but you.”

“I’ll take care of him.He won’t be any trouble.I promise.”

“That’s not all.I did this without Alessio’s knowledge.He’s not too happy with me right now.Although, the front seemed to thaw slightly before I left him.That’s twice now that I’ve given him reason for concern.There won’t and can’t be a third,” Julian says.

I nod.“Don’t get in trouble.Please.”

“Here’s the plan.Tomorrow, I’ll drive you and Ma to Josie’s, and Valentina will be there, I’m sure of it.Finish the shit for the wedding.We don’t have time to screw around because business has to come first.So get it done,” he says.

“Josie says she’s making all the calls, and the flowers, bridal boutique, and bakery owners are coming to her place.Your mom and I have the rest covered,” I say, hoping this eases his mind.

“Good, miele mia.”He pats my knee.“Later in the afternoon, Barry will be arriving, and he’s going to be sedated for his own good.He’s been trying to escape to get to you.We’re hoping that when he sees you, you can talk him through what happened.”

“I will.”

“He’s been beat up bad.I want you to prepare yourself.Alessio wants us to find out all we can and why they went to your place.We need to know how close they think they are to finding you, if it’s you they’re after.Most of all, we want to find out who would drop your name and why.”

“I’ll do whatever you need me to do.But what happens to Barry then?”