Page 11 of Reign of Commotion

A knock on the door pulls us apart, and Lilliana pokes her head into the room.She knows what we’re doing.I feel the heat in my cheeks spread throughout my body.

“Your father is waiting downstairs.I came to see if you needed a hand, but I see that you have it under control,” she says slyly.Right now, my face must be lit up like a big ripe tomato.

Without missing a step, Julian comes to his feet, grabs my sweater from the chair, and presses a hand to the small of my back, guiding me toward the door.

“Thanks, Ma.We won’t be too late,” he says smoothly, not batting an eye that his mother caught us kissing.I’m not as unaffected and falter on the first step, nearly falling down the stairs if it weren’t for Julian’s strong hands catching me.“Careful, miele mia.Can’t have you injuring yourself so close to the wedding,” he says with a grin.He knows!He knows darn well how his kiss affected me.

* * *

In the car, Julian makes me repeat the oath several times.

Anima, corpo, e mente, il mio destino è il destino della famiglia.Il Destino e nostro capo Alessio Cassini, mi concedo.

My Italian is rusty, but I’m picking it up again fairly quickly.Our oath translates like this: “Soul, body, and mind, my destiny is the destiny of the family.Il Destinoand our Capo, Alessio Cassini, I give myself to you.”

“Loud and clear,” Joe tells me.“They must know you mean what you say.These aren’t just words.They are a vow and a promise.Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.I do give myself toIl Destino, fully.When all others turned their back on me, Julian gave me life.I won’t let him down.I won’t let you down.I’m aware that he took a chance with me.I swear, he’ll never regret it,” I say.

“Good.Good.”Joe gives me a grin.He doesn’t share his smiles often, and I think I just received a great gift.

“We’re here,” Fausto announces.“This is the first time I’ve seen a woman take a blood oath.”

“Milana is not like most women,” Joe says, “and I see Alessio’s point of view.He’s doing his best to ease the tension.Her father has done a fine job at making a mess not only of his own life, but that of his daughter.Unfortunately, the price is paid by the one that remains.”

I let out a heavy sigh.Every time I hear about my father, I want to scream, but it wouldn’t do me any good.I hate him!He’s dead and gone, yet his actions still haunt me.

As we walk in, Joe stops and turns to us.“You walk in with your head held high.You are not your father.”I nod and do as he says.“Do not hold her hand,” he tells his son.“She must walk in of her own accord.”

“Right,” Julian acknowledges, then looks and gives me a wink.“Piece of cake, miele mia.”

I didn’t know what to expect, but the room is set up as if for a primal ritual, with a basin set in the middle and chairs all around it, with an additional three chairs on the pedestal near the basin.Even stranger is the priest standing off to one side.I don’t recognize any of these men except Niccolo and Alessio.Julian told me earlier that Alessio was inviting some of his most loyal underbosses, and their opinions will trickle through the ranks.

“Let’s get started,” Alessio announces.He comes to his feet, points to me, and calls me closer.I feel people’s eyes following my every movement.I stand before him and wait.“Are you ready to recommit yourself to the family?”

“Yes,” I state firmly.

Alessio sits in the middle chair and indicates for me to sit on his right and invites Julian to sit on his left.He then turns to the priest and gives him a nod.Whatever he’s saying is in Latin, and I have no clue what to make of it.I sit silently, paying close attention.The priest makes the sign of the cross, and I see that all are following suit, so I do as well.

Alessio stands and approaches the basin.“Come.”Julian and I follow him.“Who supports this woman to return as a member ofIl Destino?”

“I do,” Julian says clearly.

Then, from the front row, Joe stands and says, “I do.”

Followed by Fausto saying, “I do.”

My heart swells.They’re all taking responsibility for me.I want to cry, but in a room filled with big, bad Mafia men, I think it prudent to hold it in.

Alessio holds out his hand, and Julian places his in it, palm upward.Alessio holds a gold-encrusted dagger, the ornate handle embedded with rubies and emeralds.He slices the blade through Julian’s palm, and I watch as his blood trickles into the basin.Julian continues to hold his hand over the basin as Alessio does the same with me.The slit isn’t nearly as deep, and I whisper, “Please do it right.I give myself faithfully.”

Alessio cuts a little deeper, and my blood mixes in the basin with Julian’s.Alessio then takes our hands and presses them together.The priest continues, again in Latin.It must be important because the men rise and recite what the priest is saying.

Once the priest is done, Alessio speaks.“Pledge yourself toIl Destino.”

I recite the vow, never taking my eyes off my capo’s face.

Alessio turns to the group of men and asks, “Does anyone challenge this initiation?”The responses begin from one end of the room.I hold my breath as each man says a resounding “No.”It’s not until the end that one man hesitates and shifts his gaze from Alessio to me, then to Julian.I can feel Julian tense beside me.I glance up and see he’s not happy, his jaw clenched tight.It doesn’t seem to bother Alessio one little bit.