I don’t have the right to ask, but I do it anyway and beg to see Barry one last time.I don’t want to leave him wondering what had happened to me.I wish I could take him with me, but that wouldn’t be possible, and he would never leave this place anyhow.
I’m surprised when Julian agrees.After heading back to my small, run-down apartment complex, we go to look for Barry.Julian and I are accompanied by his friend Niccolo, who I find out is also Alessio’s consigliere, along with several other men.
“Leave everything except what you really need,” Julian says.I don’t have much anyway.I stow a couple of pairs of jeans and T-shirts, a few more sweaters, and a couple of personal mementos I’ve picked up in a bag.
“I need to let the landlord know I won’t be back,” I tell Julian.
“I’ll handle it,” Niccolo replies, then sets off to find him.
Next stop is to look for Barry.It doesn’t take long.He’s waiting for me at our spot.He’s relieved to see me until he sees Julian and the men with us.He’s on the brink of flight or fight until I call out to him.
“These are friends, Barry.Please don’t run.I promise they won’t hurt you.Actually, you gave them some great information, and they’re so grateful, they wanted to say hello and thank you personally,” I say.Barry quickly comes to greet me, pulling me in for a tight hug.
“I was worried,” Barry says.
“I’m okay.”I pat his cheek.
Julian sticks out his hand.“I’m Julian.I want to thank you for looking after Milana.”Barry looks confused until Julian says, “I mean Linny.”
Barry smiles huge, showing off his teeth.Considering Barry spends a lot of time on the streets, he’s in great shape.His hair is far too long, and he could use a haircut, but he still eats well enough to have good teeth, and he takes odd jobs and does physical work that keeps his body moving.He’s not as tall as Julian, and he’s definitely much thinner than Julian, but he could be a handsome older man if he took care of himself.
“Linny’s a good girl.She was crazy scared, but begged me to help her get you out.She’s a good girl,” Barry says.
”I’m grateful to both of you.I want to show you my gratitude.Will you let me do that?”Julian asks.Barry looks at the men standing around us, then at me.I nod to him, hoping he’ll accept.
“Linny’s okay.I’m happy,” Barry says.
“Then can I ask a favor?”Julian asks.
“Sure.”Barry shrugs.
“I need Linny to come back home with me.I could use her help.She’s worried about her apartment and wants to be able to see you regularly, and she’s going to want you to visit us.Will you look after her apartment for us?We need someone to keep it clean and fix it up.It’s not much money, but it would really make Linny happy.”
I want to cry.Julian isn’t doing this for a man he doesn’t know.He’s doing this for me.I squeeze his hand, but keep looking at Barry, willing him to say yes.When he does, I jump for joy.We go to the coffee shop close by, where Julian gives him the keys to my apartment, and they chat like old friends.
* * *
Now, we’re on a private plane with Alessio and Niccolo, both of whom are deep in conversation about the goings-on back home in Las Vegas.Julian is on his phone, sitting across from me.He called his parents and told them what had transpired.His mother has been blowing up his phone sending texts and emails to know more.
“Expect my parents to be at the airport,” he mumbles in frustration.“She’s going to make this wedding into something big.And you should know that Niccolo is married to my sister, Valentina, and I have a younger brother, Fausto.I had an older brother, but he was killed,” he grumbles.
“I’m so sorry to hear about your brother.I don’t think it’s wise to have a huge affair either,” I say, agreeing with him.
“You’re wrong,” Alessio jumps in.“It’s necessary.If you want acceptance, we won’t move forward if we act like this is a dirty little secret.You’ll have a normal wedding, and I’ll give you away.My people need to know that I endorse this marriage.”
Well, so much for running to a justice of the peace.Julian doesn’t seem happy about this either, but we both know better than to argue.
“My mother has set up the guest room for you.Since it’s inappropriate for us to live under the same roof before marriage, I’ll stay at my apartment in the city.You’ll have a guard with you at all times when you leave the house.Dad is an underboss and Mom could be a likely target, and now you will be as well,” Julian says.Even though Julian clarified his reasons, I know I’m being guarded because he doesn’t trust me.I can’t say I blame him.Given the risk he’s taking in marrying me, it would be a slap in the face if I disappeared.I have no intention of abandoning Julian.Marriage isn’t what I expected or ever thought about.It was a luxury that wasn’t to be.Any man I would have gotten involved with would have ended up a target if I were ever found.
“I’ll do exactly what you need me to do.I won’t give you any trouble,” I tell him.“Will we live in your apartment, then?”
“For a while, until I find a house,” Julian replies.
“I’ve arranged for a tattoo artist to meet us at my home the day after next.Niccolo, your brother, and I will bear witness that Milana has taken the vow and is branded with our family crest.I suggest the wedding occur no later than three weeks from today,” Alessio says as he takes his seat and fastens his seat belt.Niccolo does the same.
“Josephine and Valentina are going to want to get to know you.Especially Valentina, considering she’ll be your sister-in-law.Our wives are the kind to think the best of people.They’ll give you every opportunity to become their friend.Do not disappoint them,” Niccolo adds.
“I won’t, but when they know where I come from, they may not feel too inclined to meet me,” I say.