“Done.Let me clean that up and bandage it properly,” Franco says.He gives us instructions on how to keep it clean and how often to change the bandage.It’s nothing that I don’t know, but I see that Milana is listening attentively, nodding and asking questions.
Alessio pulls me aside and asks, “Are you fully healed?”
“I’m fit to fight whenever you need me.”
Alessio smirks.“No fighting for another week at least.Tomorrow, I’m gathering several of the underbosses and would like them to be present for the blood ritual.”
“We’ll both be ready.”
“We’ll do it at the club.Prepare Milana for her vow of loyalty to the family.Once this is finished, it will set many minds at ease,” Alessio says.“I’ve forwarded the list of guests that must be present at the wedding.I’ve included the Viale, Moretti, and Di Morte families.I trust your mother and Milana have secured the reception venue and church?”
“It’s done,” I tell him.“Milana doesn’t have any family, nor is she close to anyone here.I would like to encourage her to ask Josephine to be her matron of honor, with your permission, of course.My brother Fausto will be my best man.We know this is a very small wedding party, but I think it gives it an air of dignity and makes it more personal.”
“That works,” he agrees, making me feel a lot better.Milana was stressing about this, and this makes it a whole lot easier.“I’ll make arrangements to have Milana brought over to spend time with Josie and Valentina.”
“Thanks.I think Milana needs a break from my mother’s wedding planning,” I joke.
He chuckles.
Milana comes over with a huge smile.“I did it, and it’s beautiful,” she says.“I’m inked for life withIl Destino.” She giggles, and I laugh at how well she’s taking this all.Even Alessio gives her a grin.
”You did well,” he comments.It’s a simple compliment with more meaning behind it than would appear.
Blood Bond
Lilliana, Julian’s mom, is a fantastic cook, and she loves being in the kitchen.I’ve always been complacent about learning how to cook.When it was only me, there just didn’t seem to be a reason to make anything fancy.For one, fancy cost money, which I had little of, and secondly, I was so tired by the time I came off shift that I was happy to take home the leftover burger and fries.On a good night, George, the owner, would give me a pie to take with me.Barry and I shared what I had when I could get him to come in.Normally, he would walk me home and then find his way into the alley beside the building.
I offered countless times to let him share my apartment to keep him off the streets, but he always refused.I did get him to give in on cold winter nights, but that was only because I sat outside with him and refused to move until he came inside with me.
I clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, wiping off the counters and making sure the kitchen is spotless before returning to the dining room, where Lilliana insists we eat every night.“A home is meant to be used and lived in,” she says.I think she’s wonderful.Nothing at all like my own mother.
Mom tried to be a good parent, but she was up against a greedy man who was a complete narcissist.When I was a child, Dad left us alone.I didn’t realize those were the best of times.At the time, I thought he hated me, but I look back now and see it for what it really was.Mom and I served a purpose.Mom was expendable after he married her and had a child.They tried to have more kids, but Mom miscarried several times, and all Dad got was me.I was a disappointment from the get-go.
Mom was his maid and his cook.Dad’s only use for me was to marry me off to better his position.I was a bargaining chip.Months and years went by, and he would come home angry and lamenting about how he was being overlooked for promotions inIl Destino.Of course, it was always someone’s fault.Mom’s for not giving him a son.Mine because I wasn’t pretty enough to attract the eye of a prominent underboss.He blamed Alessio for being biased against him, and the other underbosses apparently had it out for him.It was never his fault for picking fights and alienating his peers.
My mother was stuck in a loveless marriage, and she came from the school of thought where you follow your husband no matter what.With her parents gone and having not spoken to her siblings in a long time, she let Dad lead her to her death.
Lilliana has an independence that I see her husband foster.Joe isn’t a pushover, but he allows Lilliana to flourish in her own way.She’s a very caring woman and extremely patient.She’s teaching me how to cook and takes her time, letting me do the work while she directs me as to what comes next.When Joe, Fausto, and Julian were complimenting her on dinner, she quickly told them I made the chicken piccata, which I corrected and confirmed that it was under her guidance.
I come back to the living room to see the men talking over coffee about business.Joe is the first to see me, and he cuts the conversation short as I walk in.
“Sorry to interrupt.I just want to let you know that I’m going upstairs to change my bandage before we leave,” I say and dash back out.
A few minutes later, I’m struggling to put the tape on to hold the bandage in place, when there’s a knock on the bedroom door.I’m sure it’s Lilliana coming to check in on me and call for her to come in, only to find Julian at the door.I’m standing with my dress hiked up to my thigh, my body twisted to secure the bandage.
“I–I thought you were your mother.”I put down my leg, and the material of my skirt skims over the fresh wound, causing me to hiss from the pain.Julian crosses the room and sits on the edge of the bed.
“Put your leg up here,” he commands, patting the space by his thigh.He sees my hesitation and urges, “Let me help you.We’ve got to be on our way.”I lift my leg, and he gently lifts the dress away.“Hold it here.It’ll take a minute.”His fingers skim over the skin of my leg and up my thigh as he works.I feel a tingle run through me.His dark, wavy hair, so thick, makes me want to run my fingers through it to feel its softness, and his big hands are gentle on my flesh.You wouldn’t think a man this ruggedly masculine could be so gentle.I watch as he works, and when he’s done, our gazes meet.
His eyes grow dark, and I sense that he’s feeling the same electricity between us.I stay perfectly still.I’ve had guys hit on me; it’s part of a waitress’s job.But this is different.The way he’s watching me makes my chest tighten and my palms sweaty.
He slowly drops my leg back down, then his arm bands around my waist, and he tugs me closer between his spread thighs.Julian hooks his hand behind my neck and pulls me down so that we’re nose to nose.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Julian murmurs, his voice low and sexy.I wait with anticipation as his lips close firmly over mine.His soft lips move gently at first, then more hurried and needy as he deepens our kiss.His tongue explores my mouth, not hurried, but gently, as he guides me through my first kiss.I have nothing to compare it to, but I know that I want more kisses just like this one.