“We got this, boys!” Edvard Svensson shouts.
“If Edvard can date Gemini-X, then anything can happen,” our goalie Nolan Barlowe says and everyone laughs. From what I heard, the Swede has been dating the famous pop singer, Gemini-X. I hired her to perform on my yacht for a charity gala and they caught each other’s eye.
“Damn straight,” Edvard says with a big grin on his face. Even he knows that she’s wildly out of his league.
“Let’s focus out there,” Coach Moss says, raising his voice over the chatter. “Let’s bring one home for San Antonio!”
“Yeah!” the boys shout, pounding lockers and smacking sticks on the benches.
I feel my pulse thundering in excitement. I’ve come to like these boys. I’ve watched each and every one of them grow throughout the season.
I want to see them win.
“In the words of the great Edvard Svensson,” Coach Moss says with a grin. “Let’s go grab that greatness by the balls!”
Everyone cheers and laughs as they head to the door. I’m standing beside it and each one of them acknowledges me as they pass with a nod of their head or a smile.
Our goalie, Nolan, is the last one out. He stops and nods respectfully. “Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. VanMorgan. It’s been the best year of my life.”
“Mine too,” I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s finish it strong.”
He grins. “You got it, boss.”
“Good luck,” Riley says, stepping onto her toes for a kiss. I kiss her sweet mouth and hold her tight, not wanting to let go just yet.
This is the part I hate the most—separating from her.
“Come watch the game with me,” I say, not letting her go.
“What do you mean? In your private box?”
We haven’t talked about this, but why not? We’re engaged, so people will find out we’re together eventually. Why not now?
“Can you imagine the media firestorm that would set off? Half the reporters in the country are here.”
“I don’t care what anyone says about it,” I say, cupping her hand. “After the moment I met you, this is the most important moment of my life and I want you by my side.”
She looks skeptical, but she’s thinking about it.
“I don’t think two owners have ever sat together during the Stoney Cup championships,” she says.
“I don’t think two owners have ever been sleeping together either,” I say with a grin. “It will be a first for many things.”
“Do you really think this is a good idea?”
“Being with you, my love, isalwaysa good idea.”
She smiles, steps up, and kisses me. “Okay. I’ll sit with you.”
We hold hands as we leave my office and walk into the hallway. I’m not sure if the word has gotten out about our status, but we certainly get a lot of shocked looks as we walk to my private box holding hands.
I settle in the front row with my girl as the players warm up on the ice.
“Well,hello,” Zara says to Riley with a big smile on her face as she comes over. “I’m so happy you’ll be joining us for the game.” She leans in close to whisper. “And congratulations on your engagement. How exciting! If you need a flower girl, I have an excellent throwing arm.”